LFG- Fresh Realm- Former Wotlk Realm first raider Mage

Hi Everyone,

I know there’s posts etc, but not sure which are current so figured I’d just post what I have to offer.
Like many of us, I played fairly hardcore during Vanilla, TBC and Wrath(most of) and took a long hiatus after that… ie: a decade+ aside from a brief stint early Cata/MoP and some SL.

However, with WotLK classic, I’m looking to come back to a fresh realm. Faction doesn’t matter, PvE preferred but open to either. Raid schedule I’d be looking for weekday/Sunday evenings 7CST/8EST or later(but flexible for the right fit).

I’m pretty easy going, but also competitive, not looking to waste time. With that, I’m looking for a guild that can get in and get our effectively, maybe 2-3 nights a week at 3ish hours. Open to one alt for splits. But not really looking for 15+ hours a week of multiple alt splits at this point.

At this point, I’m leaning caster dps, with a possible healer offspec. but i’m open. I’ve played most classes/ specs to some extent at max level for reasons of splits/familiarization of CDs etc as an officer in prior guilds. So open to discussion of what a quality guild that catches my eye would need.
Mage /holy pally is my most familiar, but also considering trying Aff lock/ ele shm with resto O/S.

Would like to see some time of rotational loot council… ie: GM+ random members/officers, thats usually the least drama/clique posionous, but don’t care too much either way, as long as no drama.

Please respond here or message on DC Mjak#6409 if you think id be a fit


I also am searching for something like this, haven’t seen too much in regards to fresh communities since we don’t have the server list.

I am looking to main either resto shaman or feral dru. Want to get glad in PvP and keep in current PvE content.

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Here is my post in case you think you are a fit: [A] Skyfury <Best in Slot> NA/EST Raid/PVP semi hardcore

thanks, I’ll take a look

87 Raiders strong, with 4 raid times and raid groups. We’d be happy to take you on :slight_smile: hop on our discord “methodical” (thats our join now url) and id be happy to discuss it with you!

Add me when you have the time. I would like to run a few things past you on what my crew and I are putting together for WotLK. Hush#1898

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