Good Morning! My character’s name is Yieran, and I’m an Elemental Shaman main. I’m currently looking for a CE guild. I know I’m capable of progression, and helping contribute to the success of the group with kills. I started raiding more frequently in DF during 10.2, where I was able to achieve 8/9M when it was current, and have helped my previous guild progress through 4/8M this season, though I was involved in progression for the 5th and 6th bosses of the raid.
Unfortunately, I was also in a weird situation where my schedule did not allow me to progress with that guild, and ultimately, I was sat for most of the progression. My current schedule allows me to raid much more comfortably during the week, and I’d be happy to trial before the end of the current season to prepare for 11.1! My iLVL is currently 633.75, and though I haven’t done much high-tier content for crests, I am fully BiS, and do most forms of content during the season. I hope to hear from anyone if there any available spots for myself, and possibly a friend!
My friend is a Fire Mage main, and is also currently looking for a guild. He is 6/8M, and helped contribute to the 5th and 7th bosses of the raid, so he’s a bit farther in progress than I am. However, he was also sat for the last boss of the raid. Though this post is made by me, I am also hoping to include him in a potential trial spot if that is possible.
My discord is @gagerwager and IGN is “Yieran-Mal’Ganis”. Thank you and have a great day!