As title says, the custom tab (possibly others too) is no longer showing groups from other realms. This seems like a pretty obvious bug and needs to get hotfixed asap
It was never cross server on classic.
Incorrect. Saw people from other servers in the custom tab literally last week
yes it was. idk why people say it wasnt, when they dont even know. I guess you dont pvp. Custom tab was always cross realm and how people found arena partners.
Cata pvp slowly suffocating with this “change”, like it already was. Just when we get a influx of players coming back the cata PVP community needs, the tool to find cross-realm groups is down. Been working cross realm since beginning of cata not sure why people come in here and say it wasnt like they know.Each day it’s down cata PVP will bleed players, the new ones coming back and old.
It’s not just custom. It’s raids and dungeons as well. Just strictly server based. this was never the case and needs to be fixed ASAP
yep you’re wrong. It was definitely working, blizz have broken it or turned it off. We need this back on, esp on OCE realms if we want to attempt to pvp.
bump. this needs to be done asap. pvp is dead without it. I hope this isnt a thing they just leave and never fix like spell activation overlays
still waiting
Honestly this may be the pessimist in me but, blizzard, is this a strategy for you to get people on small servers to pay for a transfer? pretty disgusting not gonna lie. break the game and reap profits from the players paying to fix something you have the power to fix