LFG Casual Raiding/M+ Guild

Looking for consistent Fri/Sun/Mon raiding Normal/Heroic raiding for S4 and TWW. Long time pug player looking for a group to build with going forward.

Willing to play nearly anything to fit into YOUR guild!

Thank you!


Cairdeas is an AOTC guild on Stormrage. But we also run a normal raid on Sunday nights at 8 pm est for alts and casual players. Your warlock would be a good fit for that.

My twitch code is at the bottom of this post and you can watch some of our raids to get a feel for our people and our approach.

You can also learn more about us here:

Add me on discord or b-chat if you are interested.

BNET Real ID: Eventin#1487
On Discord: .sevenfold
On Twitch: eventincairdeas
or you can talk to me in game:
Eventin (Evoker)| Sevenöut (Hunter)