LFG Broken?

Hi all!

I am looking for a solution for LFG in cata, When trying to create a group for raids, I am unable to change the raid size 10 or 25 or even choose the proper raid I am trying to create a group for, my only choice is going to be BH.

Is there a work around for this?



No and stop asking please

Can you point me in any right direction instead of just a basic level answer?

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the solution is blizzard needs to fix it, we are playing alphaclysm

Blizz needs to fix it.
Can use the custom option - be sure to specify server only because people can’t enter or be summoned into BH if someone is in group from another server.

lol did someone pee in your cheerios this morning?? all you’ve done is flame the posts i see you made the last hour.