LFG Addon: Blizzard comments

Using addons should be a reason to get banned from classic server

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You were right btw. I’ll eat my crow. :slight_smile:


Haha, I remember you’re name, but I can’t remember what exactly we disagreed on. If I remember right you were at least one of the ones who kept it civil instead of name-calling and trolling because we had a disagreement.

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I wanted to like your post, but was out of likes. So, by me taking the time out to type this means that your response is very worthy and noted. You are a real person, not some troll.


Ya, we basically just disagreed on whether it was an exploit or not. I couldn’t care less if this addon is disabled or not.

Our disagreement was just over “exploit”. :slight_smile:

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I hope this is true, we need to take a stand. Addons are fine if they help you view your interface better, but not when they change how you play the game.

The author may have meant well, but this is a BIG no no with classic.


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Blue post in another thread.

It’s gone baby! Yes!


honestly, I’ve been reading through all of these LFG addon forums and the most name-calling and toxicity is 100% coming from the “Break it!” and “back to retail scrub” camp.

We know what the addon does, it is very polished and serves its purpose well.
The question is does it belong in Classic?
Is it in the spirit under the premise for why Classic was created in the first place?
What does it do that you can’t do without except provide a social and gaming convenience, which is the antithesis of what Classic should be.
Vanilla’s charm was its rough edges, having to go out of your comfort zone to get by in the world.
To be frustrated as much as you are rewarded.
That is what went wrong with retail, they took out all of the frustrations and rendered all the rewards moot for those who held Vanilla in high regard.
Even though this is just an addon, its significance should not be underestimated otherwise no one would be complaining about it.

You do realize the person I responded to also used the term “babies”, right? Literally just copied his insult.

BTW just like TSM we can list on discord and have a addon updater update a central db of listings.

without using anything in the api and trying to break it will break all addons cause it uses basic api technology

Blizz has chimed in, the addon is out!!!


What’s that you said? Oh, looks like you were wrong. This is from the blue post no more than a few minutes ago.

" We’ve been closely following the community discussion around this add-on for WoW Classic, as well as analyzing it to make sure we understand how it works. After careful examination, we believe the nature of ClassicLFG is incompatible with our social design for Classic. Thus, in an upcoming patch (in the weeks following launch), we will be adding restrictions to the Classic add-on API that will significantly limit this add-on and others like it.

In line with what we shared at BlizzCon last year, we intend to be very careful about allowing add-on functionality that might undermine aspects of the social dynamics that are core to the Classic experience, even in cases like this where it’s clear that the addon author had no ill intent and was simply trying to provide a service to the Classic community. Ultimately, if a streamlined group-finding system was something we considered compatible with Classic, we would have kept the modern Premade Group Finder tool rather than choosing to remove it from the Classic client.

It’s difficult to articulate a clear-cut rule for exactly when an add-on crosses the line. However, when an add-on goes beyond presenting information or providing aesthetic customization, and attempts to create an interconnected social network that relies on other players also using that same add-on, we are likely to scrutinize it particularly closely."

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Here is the blue post saying it will be patched to break it: ClassicLFG addon - #9 by Trashbringer-arygos

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Lol I already responded in that thread, but I’ll say it here too: Congrats!

I had no horse in this race. I’ve made that very clear.

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This addon is retail garbage. Get it out of here.


Lol I already responded in that thread, but I’ll say it here too: Congrats!

I had no horse in this race. I’ve made that very clear. I was just here for the lulz

Also, just so people don’t hold Blizzard accountable for something they didn’t promise remember Bornakk said they’ll “severely limit” it not break it completely.

I’m also of the same thought that I could care less if they ban it or not, but when people act like communities will completely wither and die and all of classic is DOA because of this addon, its like, people
 chill yourselves. The communities WILL BE FINE.