LFG Addon: Blizzard comments

This is going to be my classic


BTW, I see some older LFG threads were bumped since the latest was locked. I tried to delete this thread but couldn’t.

Let’s just leave this one to die and move the convo to one of the other threads.

Sorry about the spam.

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I’ve decided that your Classic is going to be my Classic now. I’m taking it.



That’s not possible


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Ok people, there is enough classic to go around, as long as its Classic, not bfa classic! Got it! :slight_smile:


Hol’ up. I hope you don’t think you’re going to be taking any of MY Classic.


Sounds like an opinion based response, he doesn’t know what Blizzard is doing about it.


That was already discussed and decided. This guy just keeps re-posting it.

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It was also decided that this addon was “nothing more than a chat parser” and it has already been demonstrated that you can turn off the chat option and the LFG and auto-invite features work just fine without the chat by communicating with others who have the addon.

Whomever is spreading the information that “all it does is parse the LFG channel” is spreading misinformation or just outright lying to support their stance on the matter.


To shreds you say…

I’m wondering if they will do something about this addon before launch day.

Well, there it is. Couldn’t care less either way.

Indeed this topic needs more and more threads till we get this addon/exploit removed from the game.


Death to this addon!!!



LFG discord bto is being created as we speak to combat you cry babies who cant handle wow addon api.

cry about that

Amen. /10char


Good. Let the retail babies stay in discord and form their groups with each other. Keep their addon out of the game.


I still wouldn’t call it an exploit. Don’t care either way on it’s removal or not.