LFG - 430 MW Monk - Stormrage

Hey there, not sure where to start. I’ve been struggling with finding a guild that is active and have been hopping here and there since the start of this expansion. I would really love to settle down somewhere with a tight knit community that is active in raiding and keys.

Experience: I’ve been playing for quite some time, but I’ve really only been active this expansion.

  • Uldir: 8/8N 8/8H 1/8M
  • BoD: 9/9N 9/9H 3/9M
  • CoS: 2/2H
  • The EP: 8/8N 7/8H (w/ Azshara exp.)

M/T/W - All day
Th/F/Sat/Sun - Tentative 10:30p.m. - 12:00a.m. PST
Time zones don’t matter to me, can work with any.

Discord: Asilrevorg#3046

Thank you all for your time! If you have any questions please let me know!

Hello hello,
Sorry to hear about your experience trying to find a good guild. I don’t know if you’re solely looking for a guild on stormrage, but if you’re open to it, take a gander at us! We’d love to have you. Come hangout in discord sometime =)

Order of Azeroth is a brand new alliance guild aspiring to create a community with a focus on PVE.
US- Kel-Thuzad

We are finalizing our teams for a semi-hardcore raiding team as well as a casual team:

  1. A progressive 2-3 day dedicated semi-hardcore raiding team. We are looking for dps (prefer ranged), 1 tank, and healers (non-restoration druids).
  2. A casual raiding team. We are recruiting all roles currently.

Check out our discord if you’d like to chat sometime:

Hi there! We are a guild of Mythic raiders who are also running a new evening heroic team. Our players are on at all hours, and we love running keys! Here’s our forum post for more information, and good luck on your search. :squid:

hey there

Scumbag Alley (A - Sargeras) is currently recruiting active players to join our Mythic raid team as we prepare for Eternal Palace. Our goal as a guild is to achieve Cutting Edge each raid tier while having fun at the same time. We enjoy pushing Mythic + keys, PvP, downing Mythic Raid content, and we play other games as well. Scumbag Alley formerly Coffee Oclock was established by close friends in Jan 2018.

Raid Times:
Wednesday and Thursday 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM CST
Optional Raids: Tuesday 6:30 PM - 9:30 CST
Adhoc Alt Raids: Sundays

Uldir: 8/8 N 8/8 H 6/8 M
BoD: 9/9 N 9/9 H 9/9 M
EP: 8/8N 8/8H 3/8M

We are looking for exceptional committed players!
Open Raid Slots:
Tank: Full
DPS: Spriest, Lock (High need) Any exceptional dps a few slots open.
Healers MW (High need)/ HPal, Priest
also LF DPS that can flex heal if needed
Always open to other exceptional applicants!

Contact on Bnet: Alexhk#1740