That’s not what I’m saying. Wrath was without a doubt the best expansion, leave it as it was. You don’t need to use all features. I didn’t ever do battle pets but I don’t want it taken out of the game. It’s people who want change who screw things up. Wrath should be exactly as it was. If you don’t like it, don’t play it. I’ve been playing since vanilla and loved the game until MOP. The changes made were not beneficial to the game in my opinion. Wrath was my favorite expansion and cry babies are going to screw up the classic version instead of letting it be what it was, the best of all expansions.


LFD will not kill WoTLK. Look at EVERY private server. It’s a feature they all boast, and their communities love it. The few that have tried to go without LFD never got any people. Not having RDF will kill WoTLK, because people will and already are tired of staring at walls of text begging for groups. Dungeons are far more important to do in wrath, than they are in TBC, and killing the ability for half the community to be able to get into groups is going to kill the game for them.

Having LFD hurts literally no one. Not having it, hurts a large number of people who struggle to find groups.

The people who benefit from LFD:
The sweaties out there, benefit from LFD, cause they can get with their group of four friends, que in, and be done with all the heroics in an hour or two for their daily dose of badges.

The social people benefit, from grouping with their many friends and queing in, and filling that last spot they needed for the dungeon quickly, allowing them to continue their memes in discord or whatever other communication channel they are using.

The shy kids, and introverts benefit, because they can find groups that aren’t just if they get lucky enough to go with their guild, or lucky enough that “inv” was responded too with an invite instead of “full”.

The people that get hurt by LFD are:
… Oh right no one.


LFD does hurt community interaction, however not as much as server transfer microtransactions which creates dead servers with huge faction imbalances that lead to the need for them. If they are concerned about fixing the issue for an average player to be able to find a group they should try and merge the low pop servers rather than implementing LFD. Just my 2 cents


let’s be real
wrath classic will be dead by phase 2 with or without LFD


Attitude like this is ridiculous when you’re so vehemently against RDF. I pray they do not cater to people like you.


LFD was the first tiny change that cascaded to what we have today in retail. Encouraged solo play with zero group interaction. I’m glad they are not bringing LFD back. As much whining as there is, they’ll probably bring it back after a few months so “everyone” gets what they want and to cause another resurge of players returning back.

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RDF encourages group play more than anything non-RDF does. Zero group interaction is up to you, I’ve had groups in classic say nothing and groups talk about anything. lol


Don’t worry about them.
They are a serial contrarian and are mad that people mock them on the status of SoM which is the version of the game they play.

Popping them on ignore will not detrimentally change your forum experience at all.


There is no crossrealm on private servers.

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Actually, I have seen it on some of the bigger ones.

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People acting like anal headgear is what killed the social aspect…in Cata. The player base that was active back then has grown up and had little gamers of their own. At least they are old enough to have done that. You will NEVER get them back. News flash!!! people dont use AOL anymore and they wont be the same community you think you remember.

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what killed group interaction? Snoop Dogg released malice in wonderland in dec 2009. with out a doubt.

They literally added it in the final version of the final patch. This myth needs to stop being perpetuated. It was there but it’s disingenuous to say that it defined the WotLK experience.


Kill it, or make it better? I vote make it better.


Final patch was 3.3.5 with Ruby Sanctum.
The prior content patch 3.3.0 with ICC is when the dungeon finder was added.
Just letting you know since you seem concerned about accuracy.


“Wrath Babies” is a term classic andies came up with to make themselves feel special.


having played Classic when it launched and having come from EQ, it’s funny as hell how those Classic people think of themselves as hard core (WOW was made to be casual easy play).


retail would like to have a word

you never played EQ did you. (when it came out)
Death matters.
Solo - even in world content, lololololol maybe but if you have months upon months and can multi kit mobs and only on a few classes).
instances for dungeons nah your guids had to race to the boss and hope you got there first.
Need mana (spam for crack and still sit most of the time staring into your spell book).

*Didn’t have to spam for SOW I played a druid.

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UMMM it was a term coined in vanilla wrath over a decade ago, It was a derogatory label for all the casual nerf arguments to make epics easier to obtain, It was mostly used in conjunction with the term “welfare epics” describing heroic rewards from lfd. Just facts, decade old facts at that