LFD decision is a Blizzard money grab

I forgot about those bonuses… Yeah once that’s in you’re never forming the “old way” because the dungeons are literally face roll.


Watching these forums the past few years shows otherwise.

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That’s a legit concern, see I don’t buy boosts so im not thinking that way.

People like to state opinions as facts. That’s nothing new here, though it seems this topic has taken it to a new level.

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There are polls you just don’t like the numbers is all.


Biased polls given to players likely to vote a certain way. Players who don’t want lfd, or don’t care, aren’t freaking out on the forums. They’re not participating in those polls. Like usual the silent masses are the majority of the playerbase.

The irony is I think you’re probably right. But you’re not stating a fact, and those polls mean nothing.

Those are about as accurate as the polls on news shows.

“Our poll shows 75% of people like X, and the other 25% are just loonies living in a cabin in the woods!”

Well you see…here is where they make money possibly.

For lower levels they make money on 2nd accounts. Even I tried this a month. it was on sale, I was bored…and I have spent $45 (think 45) on way worse things I had nothing to show for it next day. this got me a month long fun and interesting experiment.

I mean a good bar night for me is at least $30 in cab fare alone. when I Know I am drinking…I don’t even think about the merest possibility of using my car. It stays exactly where it needs to be. In the parking spot by my place lol.

If not tried…even a crap communal gear 58 boosty is quite handy in a dual box set up. Up at least around level 30.

MY BE hunter on mankrik…this was the only way she saw dungeons. Boosty 58 orc warrior took her on a tour of 30 or less dungeons. That BE hunter has nice gear for a 27. many shadowfang keep runs were “carried” out. get it…carried. I will show myself out lol.

Some would say be social. I was. It seems shadowfang is not on the FOTM dungeon list. No ad seen for it when there. And you can ask for group all day long. Getting a reply back…now there is the sticking point to that plan.

And 10/10 power level guidese say orcland is preferred for easier “power” level. So not many came to undead land when I was there. also factor in 6 months+ later…most had their be’s beyond tristfall/hillsblad.

So when /who showed a whopping 2 people in hillsblad region (my be hunter and the boosted orc) the orc was real useful for clearing out orange to red quests.

that mine for example south of the human farm area. I was level 24/25. Orange/red level 28’s there. fast spawners too. so the orc cleaned house…I got the “boss” mob for the quest dead…yay me!

Uh, even these forums are mostly for LFD at least during ICC. See multiple people who are anti-lfd even say that.

Someone was arguing that doing BGs for out of season PvP wasn’t the same as farming badges in dungeon finder for non-current tier PvE gear.
Because nobody farms any of honor gear before jumping into arenas. Nah, they all rush to 80 and jump straight into arena with full quest greens, right?
Is Arena not the PvP equivalent to raiding? BGs to random dungeon finder? It made sense back in the old days, grind honor gear then play Arena for AP gear. Grind badges for gear, then raid for current tier.


That’s now, after they announced they wouldn’t be adding it and all the keyboard warriors have taken to the forums in protest.

If you had been watching for the last few years (especially before Classic was even an idea they considered), when people waxed nostalgic about those expansions, LFD was always considered a negative aspect.

yep. They want you to pay for 70 boost and want gold sellers/boosters to buy those boosts. LFD kills boosting and reduces the need for boost, therefore it was removed.

Yea, before people got reminded of what an expansion was like when people did less dungeons like now.

1+ hour wait to maybe get a dungeon is not fun.

Every reset poll in every space of social media and beyond has shown vast numbers want LFD at SOME point.

And I’m not against it being added, but it needs a revamp.

It was poorly implemented and ended up being one of the main reasons (people have claimed, not myself though) that the game went “down the tubes” to Retail.

I mean, it had some issues sure, but a full revamp?

idk, fix some issues with it by putting in a more modern one (as someone who plays a lot of pservers, the wrath one sucks, it breaks groups because its before they added instance groups)

But it had a major plus, you were given 7 runs a week to get your emblems, not one a day, so you could do them any day(s) you wanted and not have to log in EVERY day.

I’m not talking about the rewards.

I’m talking about who and where it pulled people for groups.

If you look at Group Finder as we have today, that sort of system cannot work in a scenario where preserving community is a priority.

LFD and how it created groups was and is antithetical to any sort of “community” feel to the Classic model.

What community?

Have you done dungeons lately? 90% you can’t get a single person to talk. I like to crack stupid jokes and no one even tells me to shut up. Most people ever say in many groups is “inv”

It’s just the way it is now.

I don’t even think it was LFD, I use DF in FFXIV all the time, people are chatty cathy’s in there.

And you support a system that further alienates people and perpetuates that sort of behavior?


The silent masses are the gold farmers lol and the casuals who sub for three months out of the year.

Except it doesn’t

LFD in FFXIV is social. It’s literally wow, it’s so much wow that other mmo’s meme about it.

It’s probably cause wow has a larger group of “high end” players and people who emulate them then games with a more casual outlook like FF or ESO. WoW is the gogogo meme.