LF WotLK style RP Guild.

Hi folks,

New to the server & I am looking for an RP guild for what will be a level 80 capped shaman. Primarily I am interested in a guild with a story inspired by the events during the Northrend campaign.

If I cannot find that I would also be interested in joining the ranks of a Draenei guild.
I dont know any guilds like that, nor do I think we have a draenei centric one, but maybe the people in the ed rp discord may know more. Here is the link https://discord.gg/9kjuD6P
10/28/2018 07:44 PMPosted by Aglaica
I dont know any guilds like that, nor do I think we have a draenei centric one, but maybe the people in the ed rp discord may know more. Here is the link https://discord.gg/9kjuD6P

I miss the Gryphon Feather Accord people. Their Draenei guild was the only one I had seen on ED.

I know there used to be the scourge guilds Tylissius lead but I'm not sure he is still playing havent seen him in a minute.

Can't really think of any others that fall into these specifications.
I think if you're looking for something with a WotLK vibe, your best bet might be to look for a guild with a heavy Archerus/Ebon Blade component to it's RP. I believe there was an Ebon Blade guild but haven't heard from them in a minute, they may have folded into one of the larger guilds.

There are no draenei-only guilds that I am aware of, but there may be a small guild around that I just haven't heard about.
RIP in piece <Republic>.