LF weekend guild

Due to work the only time I can give to wow is Sat-Mon. I have been playing since vanilla beta and started on Illidan with Blood Legion. Casual raiding is fine with me but would like to find a team for mythics.

Hey, we may be a good fit. We’re Aggressively Average, currently AOTC and we enjoy pushing m+ keys. We raid Sundays at 7pm server and we mainly raid casually and look to do at least Heroic in SL.

You can message me on BNET Awolturtle#1954 or Discord Awolturtle#7559 for more info.

The Gaymers is a brand new guild on Mal’ganis with an LGBT+ friendly mindset. If you are part of the LGBT community, an ally or just overall cool with the community then we are the place for you. We are looking to recruit for our mythic focused (CE possible if we can build the right group) raid team. We are building a community built on acceptance where we can socialize and express ourselves without fear of hate or slurs.

Raid Schedule:
Team Alpha (CE/mythic focused)
Sunday: 9pm - 12pm CST
Monday: 9pm - 12pm CST

Team Taco (AoTC/heroic focused)
Tuesday: 9pm - 12pm CST
Thursday: 9pm - 12pm CST

For more information, please reach out to btag: Engage#1375 or discord: engagenow#6363