LF weekday morning guild

Hey folks. I haven’t been able to raid much this expansion due to working 12 hour nights but I am really hoping to get back at it next expansion for sure. I’ve raided AOTC into mythic in the past in every role and am really just trying to put some feelers out to see if there are any groups looking for more in the mornings (0930-1100 EST start times preferred any mornings except Sundays.) My back don’t much like me sleeping more than 5 or 6 hours at this point anyways and I miss raiding like hell.

If you raid in the mornings and have any questions please feel free to ask.
BTAG: DoctaDajman#1293
Discord: DoctaDajman#6819

I am not geared for raiding at all right now and am mostly looking for Shadowlands progression and maybe some M+ for now, however if you need anything for current progress and are patient waiting for me to catch back up a bit I would be opening to the discussion.

Mornings are tough. Check out the recruitment discord! Guilds are sorted by faction, type (CE, AOTC, etc) and raiding schedule (Weekend/Weekday, etc) to make finding a home easier. If you need any help, just post in the help channel, and our mods will assist you as they are available to do so. :slight_smile: We wipe the channels every tier so they stay current. Good luck and happy hunting!

Link: https://discord.gg/vN2sWsB

PS you can also search in a specific channel for a certain time by using the search bar and selecting a channel you’re interested in. Once you have that you can put a time or a day, etc in order to make sure that you find guilds that meet your schedule needs. The screenshot below is an example. The right side shows the guilds in Horde CE 3 Day that raid at 10pm.

Thanks for sharing this. I haven’t been in the game for a while and didn’t even know this discord existed.

Hey Gavinen!

Welcome back! We currently have a fairly full roster but if you are looking to possibly join a team later on in BFA or into Shadowlands feel free to reach out. Morning Brew is a morning horde raiding guild that offers a unique time slot for those interested. If you would like to chat feel free to reach out!

Bnet: Cen#11694
Discord: Cen#5348

[H] Morning Brew 7/12M 12/12H

Raid Times: 9am-12pm EST | >Wed/Thurs/Friday
Optional Monday Alt run 9am-12pm EST

Recruitment Needs
Tanks - DK, Paladin, Warrior, Monk, DH
Ranged – Warlock
Melee – DH
Healer – Resto Sham

Hi Gavinen! I’m going to leave this info here even though your preferred start times are an hour before our actual start time! For us, ESTer’s, our raid is 12 PM EST to 230 PM EST Wed and Thurs. Not sure if you’re set on your shaman or not but if not, we do have some classes we’re looking for below as well. If you think you may like us, add me and lets chat! We’re 12/12H, looking to start pushing Mythic next week! We’re looking for friends to come join us in killing bosses now and Shadowlands! We’re not hardcore by any means and our raid environment is relaxed and fun.

About Us
Is A Little Salty (12/12 H evening team, 11/12 H morning team) Is a semi hardcore raiding guild that has been mythic raiding for the past few tiers. After taking a break and moving on to Classic WoW…most of the guild’s players have returned and are back into the full swing of things. Our main team is beginning mythic raiding while our 2nd team is progressing on aotc. Outside of raiding we also push M+ hard as some of our raiders are 2k io or higher, and the majority of the others are 1.6k io or higher and pushing keys daily. Very active guild that has members always looking for keys of all levels, bgs, arenas, and we are in the process of building a RBG team. We are a mature guild that values respect of each other and do not tolerate toxicity.

Night team (12/12 H) 7pm-10pm PST Thurs/Fri
Morning team (11/12 H) 9am-11:30am PST Weds/Thurs
RBG team Tues (time tbd)
We also do various levels of keys every day, all times of the day! We have plenty of people on, along with raiders on everyday doing something! We’re not just a guild on for raid and logs off til next week. We have an active discord as well. We’re located on Tich and the ST is PST!

Morning team:
Ret Pally with good OS Prot with knowledge of fights!
Fire Mage (Or any good spec mage)
BM Hunter
WW Monk
Holy Priest with OS Shadow and/or vise versa.
Honestly, we’d accept any good DPS with an awesome attitude and good raid attendance/raid awareness.

The only things we expect from you is to show up to raids on time, know your class/role, learn the mechanics and perform them, be prepared and respect your guild mates. If you can’t do any one of these simple things then we are not the guild for you.

Contact Us
letgomyeggo#1838 (Raid Lead of morning team)
MissKay#11518 (Healing lead for morning team)

Our Discord:

This discord isn’t updated past 2019 posts, I looked yesterday. It seems a discord version of ppl looking for groups.