Hi all! As the title says, I’m looking for a guild for the two of us. We play on Khaz Modan, which is also connected to Azjol-Nerub, Blackrock, Muradin, and Nordrassil.
I’m (34) a returning veteran player who quit after WOTLK, been back for a few months now and finally got my wife (30) to start playing with me. She is completely new to the game, and pc games in general. She’s still nailing down the controls. I’m hoping to find a guild where we can just be social and enjoy chatting/playing with people who don’t take the game too seriously. Not looking for any endgame requirements or mandatory attendance for raids/dungeon runs at this point in time, though when I personally am able to play I do love to spam run dungeons.
I am a complete altoholic, currently with a 60 druid, 60 monk, and nearly every other class at 50 (or at least hopefully get the last couple there before DF launches), and though I’m still learning a lot of the game again, still have a wealth of knowledge from my old days of playing/raiding.
My wife has a 35 paladin, and a 20 warrior currently. As i said, she is still working on learning the controls and the game mechanics.
We are both easy going and can get along in family friendly environments, however the real us are dirty minded and foul mouthed so an 18+ guild would be ideal.
Feel free to reach out here, or add me on bnet (Seifer#1310) if you think we will be a good fit! I look forward to hearing from our new potential friends!