LF Social Guild

So, I pre-ordered shadowlands when it was announced, why IDK but I did. I had planned on playing it with my group from Classic as we all did WoW together in Vanilla, but while real life was happening for me, they stayed together on private servers and other games and Im kind of on the outside looking in. Im 39 work 40 hours a week, married and I do foster care, so my life is not one I can play this game 24/7 or even guarantee I can be a permanent raider. I know it doesn’t really exist anymore, gaming has changed, but Im looking for a community I can enjoy shadowlands with. One that people get on discord, talk about life, use this game as an escape not a 2nd job. Im fine xfering servers, have a few different characters, but now more then ever with COVID im craving that virtual social interaction that made WoW so great.

Newly formed guild and just started playing alliance after years of horde. If something fresh interests you we can chat


Come join the dark side :slight_smile:

We are accepting new and returning players and rerolls. So come reroll with us on Turalyon! Guild chat is very active most evenings, as well as discord chat.


Hey Lrdcollins, our guild, Grey Horse Army, was recently founded to be the exacty type of guild you are looking for! We do plan to raid, but that will never be “who” we are. We have members who just pvp, craft, build alt armies, etc. We are usually active on discord most nights and will be even more so with the new content coming. Our members are all people with real life obligations and play to have fun and build a community together. If you’d like to chat, find me at Thistlebloom#1316.

Good morning Lrdcollins!

War Theory is a semi-hardcore, 3/12M raiding guild on Bleeding Hollow - US. We strive to complete every boss of the current content before the start of the next raid tier, on a two night, six hour a week, raid schedule. We welcome healthy competition in our roster, and our goal is to promote a balance between progression and fun, while maintaining momentum throughout the current tier.We are a guild that strives to create long-lasting friendships in a virtual world, because let’s face it. This game sucks to play alone.

Raid Times:

We operate on a two day raiding schedule, with an additional optional re-clear night.

Friday: 9PM to 12AM EST (6PM to 9PM PST))

Saturday: 9PM to 12AM EST (6PM to 9PM PST)

Monday / Thursday optional extra progression day or heroic clear.


  • Assassination or Subtlety Rogue

  • Frost / Unholy Death Knight

  • Fury Warrior

  • Balance Druid

  • Frost Mage

Additional questions can be directed to Adzz (Revorah#1321) on Battlenet and Adzz#4670 on Discord.

Interested? Join our recruitment discord to fill out an app! discord.gg/aZnVuDr