Im looking for a small guild. Would be nice if there were some older people. Im 45. I am a returning player, but its been so long that im new all over again. Ive played a bit. Running a ret pally, shadow priest and lock. Ilvls 600, 611 and 590. Would like to do some raids and keys.
Yeah have a small guild that has newer and mature players! Message me on discord HoodieHarter#5069
Hey, I am the gm of a small guild named Nightwish- Area 52. We are a small group of friends that all met on wow. We raid on sundays at 7 pm est along with do keys and old content.
my btag is Kadey#1992
I Co run a guild we have a decent group and we run a little of everything and are looking to get our raid team going most of us have been playing together for a while but we have some new people and we welcome all.
the guilds name is Escalation and we are based on the stormrage server my main toon is based on vek cross realm guilds are a good thing
Evening Nocandle, We raid one night a week a bit later for the older people with stuff to do Wed: 9:30est-12:30 est then do mythic plus on other nights so nothing too much but enough to scratch the itch you may have. Add me if you can make the raid time and are interested Chaoticrtrd#2457
Hi Nocandle,
I run a small casual EST Alliance social guild on Proudmoore and we are a social guild that’s more of a community that we have built over the years and we are both new and returning player friendly. Our main thing is we enjoy doing stuff together as a group to help each other out and have fun more than just doing content for the sake of it. We also enjoy helping each other out whether that’s gearing up, running for transmog, or helping with an alt and as a social group we are also pretty much always on our discord when we are on.
Happy to chat more if your interested my battle net is wyvernflame#1720 and my discord is wyvernflame
Im the GM of a guild in the rebuilding process. I too am 45. I have been playing this game forever now. Our guild is called Obscure. It wasn’t until recently that i decided to rebuild with the older gamers in mind. I do fully expect to raid with our guild. We are primarily focused on making sure we play the game together and not just a guild of individuals. We want our guildies to explore all aspects of the game as teammates and possibly friends. I know we can form friendships in this game. I married one of my first guild-mates and we have been married for 14 years. There is nothing like the feeling of working together to accomplish a goal we all have in common. Of course our guild is in its first steps but If we can find a focused group of gamers that are willing to stick together, we can build something great.
If your interested in helping us build let me know
tauntheaggro#7202 in discord
The Corrupted Order. A guild that’s been around awhile took a break and are making a comeback for TWW. Current raid teams are confirmed but that does not mean you can’t prove yourself to be apart of it. We are looking for mythic+ users and social members currently!
The guild is progressing through heroic currently 7/8 and looking for a healer. Our heroic times are 9pm EST on Tuesday’s and Friday’s. You are still able to make the team if you prove yourself so do not feel like you can not reach out and join for the social aspect of the guild!
Also have spots in our second raid group for individuals looking to get into raiding and looking for a group to start with. While also being able to progress and reach the point to joining the heroic team. Eventually all teams will be doing heroics. This day is Wednesday 8pm EST until 10:30.
Currently for the heroic team we are asking individuals to hit their 2k io score as a requirement, you do not have to do this alone! Many individuals including myself are looking to assist individual in climbing mythics!
Old Content:
Our current recruiter and GM also have the weekends planned out to do tmog runs or achievement runs for mounts.
Transmog Competition:
Finally t-mog competition the officers have been hosting a t-mog competition on Fridays after raid individuals will be given the theme at the time and giving 5-10 minutes to get ready. The winner will receive 50,000 gold.
The Corrupted Order is home to anyone and everyone looking to have a great time with our members. Please reach out to Rahiko#1225 for any other information
The justice society is recruiting heroes! we are a somewhat new guild trying to gain new members along with making friends along the way. Raids Tues/Wed/Thurs 8 PM EST. Mythic+ runs & Mythic raid! looking for people to fill raid team. Focused on learning, teamwork & growth come join the justice society. We are currently need dps and healers!
you can add me on discord @ axelthorn09
or you can add me on bnet Axel#1830.
Hey Nocandle
Syzygy could be your home We’ve attained AOTC this tier and are currently recruiting with the intention to progress into mythic. Check out our link and if we fit your needs feel free to reach out!
My btag is Uri#11265 or Uri5963 on discord!
If you are still looking - we do raids T/TH 8-10:30 PM EST, and keys all the time every day.
Send me a friend request if you are interested: Bnet: Twoslytwod#1534
Hey there! I don’t know if you are still looking or not, but CTRL ALT Defeat is a newer, small guild looking for players just like you! We are currently looking to take on AOTC heroic raiding, and eventually some mythic. The players we have have proven to be extremely mature and willing to go the extra mile to help each other out. If you’re interested, I have posted our forum post and my contact information below!
Discord: Grumpymerlin Grumpymerlin#1837
“In Jest” is our guild and we are looking to go 2/3/9 for our heroic roster, so looking for 1 healer, as well as a couple open dps slots available. We like the bring the player versus the class mentality. Currently 7/8H raiding on Saturday’s at 7:30pmCST, raid invites at 7:15. Possibly adding in a raid day on Friday as well but I can’t promise that as of yet. We are a very laid back and chill group of folks so trying to keep things stress free and fun! We’re also an older guild “age wise” which is why we raid on Saturday. Feel free to add me if you would like to chat more
Disc: Tylius75