Currently 182ilvl on Kyrian MM hunter, paladin and Venthyr priest. Leveling everything and anything in the future. Open schedule for a 10+ year veteran player whose goal each season is mythic raids, push m+ and pvp on a 2400+ basis. Open to transfer/race change “27yrsold
Hello there! The Blank is a newly formed guild looking to form a Mythic raid team focused on getting Cutting Edge in every tier moving forward. We are a group of players coming back to the game that all have CE experience dating back to WotLK, and want to get back to that point moving forward. We are generally very laid back and love to make jokes at each others expense, however when we hit a raid setting we expect it to be more formal during progression with minimal distractions. Raid atmosphere is very important to us, so finding like minded individuals is key as we form our roster.
We expect every raider to be capable of pushing 80th percentile or better on parses consistently. Failure to do so will result in benching and/or replacement. We strongly believe in a “you have to earn your spot” mentality, even after you make the core raid team.
Current recruiting needs:
Holy Paladin, Resto Druid, all exceptional DPS
Raid Times:
Tues: 8:30pm - 11:30 pm CST
Wed: 8:30pm - 11:30 pm CST
Thurs*: 8:30pm - 11:30 pm CST
*Thursdays will be cut out from mandatory raid schedule once progression is complete for current tier.
We will also be pushing Mythic+ on our off days for those interested.
Apply here:
h ttps://
Contact us in game with any questions:
GM: Ragingbrb#1469
Officers: Daft#1470 / McEpic#11153
Hey Lil! We are looking for a Holy Pally to fill out our healing roster if you’d be interested, read the spam below, and throw me a message!