LF semi-hardcore mythic raiding guild for Shadowlands

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Hi, returning player looking to get into a semi-hardcore CE guild for Shadowlands. Currently maining an arms warrior but also a fire mage alt at pretty much the same level. I haven’t raided this expansion since i’ve only returned a couple of months ago playing solo just to get a feel for the current game and catch up in what’s going on in the community in prep for Shadowlands.

Been playing since BC and went pretty hardcore in Wrath (min/maxing, simming, all that good stuff) getting realm first grand crusader on my ret/holy paladin main in the guild Heretic on Dath’Remar. I play to a pretty high standard and take criticism well, and do what’s needed to get the job done, i.e. actually learn the fights beforehand. I stopped raiding since then and only played casually as each expansion came out for a short time due to exams, real life enjoyment and just general boredom of the game.

I’ve now been sucked into the hype for shadowlands and am keen to get stuck into raiding in the next xpac.

DPS warrior preferred but am open to tanking if needed (literally haven’t even specced into a prot spec and tanked since wrath though lol). I also plan on having my mage alt be close behind my warrior so that can be up for use if needed too. Most likely going to faction change to alliance but im happy to go on either side. Currently on Frostmourne at the moment.

Hey reads well! If you are up for an GMT+8 guild. Let me know :wink:


Hey mate, 11/12 Mythic guild (this tier) would be keen to talk to you about playing Mage next tier if keen. Unfortunately our roster is already pretty full on Warriors.

Krimsonmyst#1273 if you’re keen to know more :slight_smile:

Hey there!
The Last Melon (Ally on Nag/Cael) is an AOTC guild with 3/12 Mythic looking for DPS for heroic/mythic. we raid wed/thurs @ 7.30-10.30pm AEST
we also run M Jaina weekly and high keys regularly.
We are looking at hitting the ground running for shadowlands, and getting as far as we can in terms on mythic progression.
send me a pm over at FrankWalker#11939 if you want some more info or have any questions :slight_smile: