LF semi/hardcore guild NA Alliance

My friend and I are duo leveling as priest or paladin and warrior. We’re planning on hitting 60 the first week of launch. Both of us have experience raiding heroic/mythic raids in WoTLK/Cata/MoP/Legion etc. We also plan on raiding as holy priest/paladin and Prot warrior(can dps if needed). Prefer to raid as soon as possible and don’t mind grinding for BiS gear/consumables etc. Please let me know if you have a spot for us. Thanks!

We do efficient PVE for the gear to dominate PVP. You are free to be as casual or hardcore as you like. We have all kinds of players. Give us a look. You can contact me at JohnnyChainsaws#9034 on Discord.gg/enclave

We had over 100 members on discord for our guild meeting two days ago. We expect around 150 players at launch. Raid times are Tues/Wed 1900-2200 and we have plans for a 2nd and/or 3rd raid for the weekend.

Hey Balanga,

We have a few spots open still and would love some hardcore raiders to fill out our ranks. We have a spot open for Fury or an OT as well as a healer.

Add me on discord for more info: Smalls#5019

If you’re still looking hit me up on discord at Keltor#2147

Hey Balanga! We’re a newly formed Alliance guild on Whitemane seeking to build out our roster with mature, PvE focused players looking to clear content while also achieving balance with outside commitments. Below is some general information about the guild. Check out our discord or message me directly with any questions!

Unity - NA - Alliance - PvP - Whitemane Server - Tues/Thurs 7:30-10:30 PST - Loot Council

https:// discord.gg/h2AqqBC

Hey man, - We’re an alliance guild on Fairbanks that just getting started recruiting but plan on having the majority to L60 in 2 weeks to start working BiS and raid attunements. Checkout the post and hit me up on discord if interested Firestoned#9463