I started brainstorming some RP event ideas to conduct. Some of it may just come down to timing with Current Events. Let me know what y’all think or might be interested in!
Idea 1: Villain-Convention! Advertised ICly through the guise of a “Hero’s Extreme-Training Planning Committee”, those of the morally questionable are invited to come together to plot a new scheme to strengthen those goody-goods of the same and/or opposing faction. Well, strengthen or get rid of the weak and annoying ones… whatever your artfully worded purpose.
Idea 2: Sight-seeing Travel Tours! Ever want to see the world and hold a picnic is the prettiest places on Azeroth? Remember why we fight to save her? - Let’s change up the scenery each time to check out some neat places! (Careful, some know it all might show up and disclose the full history of each rock… idk who that would be though, some Bard probably >_>)
Idea 3: Recluse Night - We can have games upstairs, open stage and meals downstairs. Just no weapons (harmful magic included!) please!
Idea 4: The Great Azerothian Race! Inspired by Ready Player One, the first to three keys gets a prize - and the keys would be hidden in places only found by lore knowledge. Each key would be held by an officiator standing in their location during the scheduled times. Possibly a multi-day event until someone actually wins.
Idea 5: Beach Party! Play games like Truth or Dare, Bobbing Heads, Chicken Fight, and if you’ve got a real stretch of the imagination, there are dice rules for a round of Volleyball!
Idea 6: Trading at the Recluse - materials, information, mounts and pets, etc. Can be sporatic (walk-on) or scheduled, but PLEASE announce when you’re in the Recluse selling items.
Idea 7: Community hunts - all go after a certain dungeon or old content raid, whether for xmog, pet, or mount drop. Keep it civil though - priority should go to those who are a) going to actually use it ICly, then b) major collectors then c) who see it and are just like “huh neat”.
Idea 8: Bards go back to what we were originally famous for - Plays! I need actors and special effects people though. These take a lot of work and consistent rehearsals to pull off.
Idea 9: Fashion Show/Transmog Contest! Based on different themes or categories! (Preferably hosted during the Trial of Style to reduce costs of multiple entries)
Idea 10: Going back to Karaoke night (it’s been a while) or open stage night (but maybe put a limit on how long the acts can be, so requires the person to prep?), with Voice Chat available for folks to listen in!
Idea 11: Town Crier service! This is still how some countries spread propaganda or announce events. Run an advertising service for different events or guilds or whatever. And go yelling about!
Idea 12: PvP tournament/challenge. We’d have two categories: Challengers (Fights are RP’d out with rolls and emotes) and Duelists (Fights are actually fought with PvP duels). Looking for commentators and announcers for both sections to make it fun! Would also be looking for officiators so we could run multiple fights at once! Guild recruiters also welcome to scout out some worthy fighters for your arena teams, raid members, or mercenary work groups. Challenger mode would be through several optional categories, as agreed upon by those who sign up - free for all, teams, or one on one. Duelist mode would be bracketed by item and honor level.
Idea 13: Improv Night! Join the Bards as they host a night where random members of the audience are selected to be actors as part of a scene, are given a concept, and asked to make something hilarious out of it! (We’ll try to make it easy for you) Most comedic group wins a prize!
Idea 14: Trader’s Market Event, for RP items and old content recipes! Each event could also have a theme, like a food market, book market, armor market, adventuring tours, etc.
Idea 15: Adventuring tours through old raid and dungeon content as Lore Museums. Be escorted through old content to gain achievements and learn a little history in-character about the setting and what took place ‘in the old days.’
((I will continue to post here should I think of more))