Hey everyone, I’m looking into finding a Raiding/M+ guild for SL. I’m returning from 8.1 of BFA and have played a little on and off since then, but not seriously.
A little bit about me:
Faction: Horde
Availability (EST): Tue & Wed (6p-11p), (Fri 6p-2a), Sat&Sun full availability (Sun until 11p)
Content: Heroic/Mythic Raiding & M+ (Semi-Casual)
Role/Class: Tank/MDPS; DK, DH, Shaman (Also considering Monk)
Previous Progress (8.1): H Uldir 8/8, M Uldir 3/8
If you have any particular questions:
BattleNet: ThePhildozer#1941
Discord: Phildozer#7833