LF Raiding/M+ Guild

521 ilvl enhance shammy with ele OS, also have a 508 priest, and 505 warrior.

Ive been back for a month now give or take. Im lookin for a guild to potentially raid with while pushin high io. Im lookin to play more often durnin TWW.

Disc: straightbrutal
Bnet: OxBrutalxO#1855

Hi there. I just created a new guild with the intent of staying kinda small and focusing on AOTC and ksm. I don’t have many members, but I just started a few days ago. Raid times and days aren’t set yet, but I’m thinking Wednesday Sunday at 7p PST start time. I’m not worried about class or role at this point. Just trying to find the right group of people to have fun and do some content with. Hmu.

Mmoargynn on discord
Mmoargynn #1987 on bnet

I’m not sure what your times are, but we would love for you to give us a shot!

Guild & Server: Karma Gaming-Proudmoore
Raid Time/Day: Wed 8:30-11:30, Thurs 9:00-12:30 PDT
Current Progression: 9/9H AATDH | 9/9H AATSC | 8/8H AVOTI
Recruitment Contact:
Discord: swiftshifterz, or holyhotdogs
BNET: Shadowfyre#1345 or holyhotdogs#11398

Discord Request Sent. Lets chat!

We are currently looking for an enhancement shaman!

Guild & Server: Intricacy-Tichondrius
Raid Times/Days: Saturday/Sunday 12 - 3:00 PM PST (California time)
Current Progression: 5/8M AVOTI 7/9M AATSC 6/9M AATD
Discord: Draconerus BNET: Drag0ntamer#1435
Requirements: Attendance for both raid days, Being Coachable, knowledge of your class and boss mechanics, RC Loot Council, Wowaudit , positive attitude

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