LF Raiding Guild

Hello and welcome to my Ill mind.

Just here on this forum looking for a guild to call home and kill pixels with .
Prefer classes to play are as follow : Rogue, Druid, Priest, DK and Warrior.

.For Priest i prefer to main shadow can off spec disc.
.For Druid i prefer to play Feral or Boomie can off tank for Mythic Keys
.For Rogue i prefer Sin or sub but can play all 3 specs
.For DK and Warrior i prefer to Dps unholy/Fury but can off tank for mythic keys on both spec.

Also i prefer Horde but i don’t mind playing alliance
Now preferred days : Any Day
Preferred Time : 6:00 PST latest time preferred 7:00 PST.

For more info : Contact info Discord : Hikari#2322 Btag Beezlebub#1958

Current XP 8/8 N 8/8 H 2/8 M