LF Raiding Guild for War Within

So - Most of my stuff is currently timerunners, I plan to play them once they’re available. I’m searching for AOTC guild mainly, but I am open to early through mid mythic. I have experience in both as well as 3k+ io keys.
A bit bout me, I have mental problems, and “military leadership” guilds do not go over well with me. No I am not looking for a “snowflake” guild, just people who know what a joke and insult are. I am very chill until given a reason not to be.
Open for advice, very knowledgable about the game, classes stats etc. I can take a hit if it helps team.
Playing Rogue, Lock, Hunter, and Monk in TWW. Not opposed to a couple others if a tank/heal role is warranted.
I will miss one raid a month due to irl things. I can raid any other days otherwise. Times MUST be 8:30pm EST or later.

Hi Jelixxa,

Our guild is currently looking for more players to join our ranks and it looks like our start time for raid is exactly what you are looking for. Instead of spamming who we are etc I have posted our current recruitment post below so you can read if we align with what you are looking for. Our contact info is also included in it is you want to talk further. i know a shadow priest would be ideal at this point but the only class we are full on is hunter.

Good luck in your search =)

Plagued is recruiting for our mythic raid team.

Days: Tuesday and Wednesday
Times: 9pm to Midnight PST

Would love to chat if you’re interested. Hope to hear from ya.

Discord: Dakgu

Hey Jelixxa,

[No Accountability] is a small guild that is focusing on AOTC and Mythic+. We are actively on each day. There are a few of us that took time off and are returning. Mostly we just get on and have some fun as a group.

If you have any questions or want to discuss further contact me on discord @ Vit_Kael or our GM @ inosuke94.

Hey there! I’m Byndi, the GM of the guild Gnome Depot. :smile: We are currently recruiting for our AOTC team in preparation for TWW. I’m going to attach our guild page for you to take a quick look through, and if your interested… I would love to sit down and chat you! Best of luck on your guild hunt!

Formerly Taste like Chicken now called Thunderbluffsteakhouse, seeking experienced players for TWW raid, Times are : Fri Sat 8-100pm Est . Um Multiple 3k players and alters, and the ones that liek us liek us, we are between 25-60 yrs old players alot of veterans , I have ptsd myself, and smoke alot of weed. if interested and can make times luv a chat


Bump up to top

Mythic raiding guild looking for good dps. Message me Peyo#1247. Raid times are 9 to 12 Tuesday and Wednesday PST (Will change to MST come daylight savings time)

Bump to top before TWW hits!
Looking again.

Howdy! Thought I’d see if you’d be interested in our guild!

[NA][Kel’Thuzad] Wed/Thur 8:30-11 EST + Tues/Fri 8:30-11 EST

Hi, we are Last Pull on Kel’Thuzad, and yes, we consistently kill new bosses on the last pull of the night. We have two raid teams, one raid schedule is Wednesday/Thursday 8:30-11 EST (5:30-8 PST, 6:30pm-9pm MST, 7:30-10 CST). The other is Tuesday/Friday 8:30-11 EST (5:30-8 PST, 6:30pm-9pm MST, 7:30-10 CST)
We have gotten AOTC every tier in Dragonflight and have made the push into Mythic raiding in seasons 3 and 4. We are a “real life first” guild full of experienced raiders who enjoy pushing progression on our limited schedule.

We have kept a solid core roster since our guild started about 5 years ago, and are looking for a few more great players to round us off due to the stricter Mythic raid size requirement. We’re always eager to welcome more players who are looking for a long term guild to grow with and kill some bosses.

Guild members run M+ most days as well, with multiple players above 3k RIO and the vast majority of raiders having KSH. Several of us are previous Mythic raiders who got old and wanted to take it a little easier, so it has a very “dad guild” type atmosphere (we also have multiple moms too!). Now we are itching to go a little further with how well our team is doing, while still keeping the same laid back guild atmosphere that our members love.

We are currently ONLY recruiting for the Tues/Fri team and looking for:

High Priority
DPS Warrior
DPS Evoker
DPS/Heals Shaman
Ranged DPS

Moderate Priority
BM/MM Hunter

We encourage any great players to reach out to us even if your spec is not listed above. All we ask is that you work on your character and game knowledge, be willing to ask for or offer help, and be part of the team. We would prefer people who are already geared as we are currently progressing Mythic, but exceptional past logs will certainly be taken into consideration.

Please reach out if you think we’d be a good fit for you. You can contact me at Amerrol#1654 (BTAG).

Thanks for taking the time to read my post, and I hope to hear from you soon!