I am currently looking for a raid team that is stable and needs core players. As stated in my title I have a 213 Beast Master Hunter and a 213 a Frost Mage. I am currently 3/10 Mythic and know the mythic fights to sunking, Invera, and Xymox. Just looking to raid regular and find a chill stable home that still gets the job done.
Howdy! I’m Quick one of the Officers for Illicit. We def would be interested in you joining and when you are max level and properly geared and what not could def prolly give you a shot on one of our teams! Reach out to me in game - or on Discord if need be. You can also Whisper any member of Illicit to get hitched now -
Below if the info for Team Hades which is where I think you should start when ready
Team Hades
(Heroic/Casual Mythic Raiding 3/10M)
RAID TIMES: Tuesday/Thursday from 6:00-9:00 pm PT
This is our guild’s more relaxed, but still progressive raid team.
Some mythic raiding experienced is preferred
A history of performing well as an AOTC raider is required.
You should have an intermediate/advanced understanding of how to play your main class and spec in a raid environment.
Players will come to raid prepared having researched a progression encounter prior to raid time.
Players will must maintain their characters and continue to advance/gear them - “Team” mentality.
All healers are required to have a mythic-capable DPS spec or alt.
- This means your DPS spec or alt will be able to perform in-line with the overall team’s DPS expectations.
Players on this team will be expected to reasonably keep up with their daily/covenant quests to continue improving for raid.
Hades Roster Needs:
Priority | Role | Spec | Special Note |
High | Melee DPS | Any | Tank Offspec |
High | Ranged DPS | Any |
For more information or an informal interview please contact:
Ryme - Illicit GM/Recruiter (bnet: Ryry#11575)
Mook - Raid Lead for Apollo (bnet: mook#11893)
Addina - Raid Lead for Hades (bnet: yassyfresh#1204)
Quick - Recruitment Officer (bnet: QuickESQ#1651)
Hey Joe!
I’d love to chat with you on discord, maybe we can be a good fit for you! Add me at Letholas#9581!
Hey would love talk to you add me on discord endare45#7214. We are 6/10 mythic, raid T/Tr from 8-11 est
CE Goal Oriented
10/10h - 6/10M Council prog, 3 nights, working on P3 (lLast boss)
Rushing CE, if not this tier next tier for sure. First tier as a guild.
Raid: Weds/Thurs 7-9:30PM CST Mandatory for Mythic Raiders on the Mythic prog team.
Optional raid day: Tues 7-9:30PM CST (Mythic reclear/farm) May become mandatory at the start of new tier.
Off nights: Currently working on KSM in mythic+ for the guild. With recent valor changes, this is quite important.
We have several 2100+ arena players as well as a few gladiators.
We are looking for a few more talented players for our mythic progression team. Currently we are on Articifer. We are also very interested in Mythic+ players that just need a chill home to hangout in and meet people. Maybe you might step into Mythic raiding.
We have a solid core group of players that are fantastic! We strive for a positive guild environment and we will not tolerate anything less. We have a firm rule we stand by that the best 20 go during progression. This is not meant to be a negative thing, but we need players to understand this. Our main goal in this guild is for the guild itself to progress. You must have this same mindset and hopefully strive to be one of the best 20. With our relaxed raid schedule, it’s important that we are efficient with our time, show up promptly, and are ready for quick pulls. Researching fights, having 90% attendance, and performing your role exceptionally are requirements to be on the Mythic raid team. We have several players within the guild that are completely fine being on the bench as they cannot commit to raiding every single week and or raid day. We love having these types of players within the guild as this can be very helpful in absence of a raider. We highly welcome more of these players and we actively bring them in on mythic farm bosses and even progression bosses if needed.
Will consider any class and spec. We recruit the player not the class. Please have logs available upon request. We prefer a voice interview in discord for all that are interested.
Those should apply if any of the following describe you:
- You are interested in raiding with a serious, relaxed, and mannered Mythic progression team that takes raiding serious but wants to have fun while doing so.
- You want to be part of a small community within a guild doing daily activities of M+ / PvP and of course raiding. We still actively do heroic clears on off nights and all are welcome! We also bring in players that may not be on the current progression roster to our Mythic farm bosses.
- You are trying to get into mythic raiding and you want to be surrounded by good players that are currently progressing in Mythic to learn from and or work your way up to earn a spot yourself. You must be self motivated for this.
- You are currently a performing M+ player looking for others to push keys with and maybe you would like to get some mythic kills here and there.
- You can’t commit to raiding the same days every week, but you still want to down some of the content each tier. We value bench players and you will get play time!
If interested, Contact our recruiting officer Burninn. Thank you.
Recruitment officer
Discord: Jester27908#6385
Bnet: Carigit#1110
Hello Joe,
I am currently looking for a mage for mythic progression team. My guild, The Order on Altar of Storms, is 5/10M with raid days of T/Th 9-12pm EST.
pst for more info, Andromeda#1994
use wowprogress dot com.
Hey! I’m from Overtuned on Zul’jin. We’re an AOTC focused guild that’s started to progress though mythic. Our goal Each and every patch is AOTC and once that is accomplished we want to test ourselves in mythic content! Right now we’re 3/10m.
We are looking for some strong DPS to fill out our roster for both CN and 9.1.
We have multiple KSM players as well.
Our raid times are 7-10pm EST Thursday and Friday.
PM me on discord Archmage Galacius#1482 or Btag Imperious#11797 if you’re interested or have some questions!
<Results Might Vary> is a friendly, Semi-Hardcore raiding guild recruiting to fill spots on the core team immediately so we can push content come 9.1. Raid days are Sat & Sun 7-10pm CST. Currently 9/10H and looking for some strong DPS!! We have an active discord, play tons of other games together and do our best to make the guild a family environment. We want to be folks forever guild!
Outside of raid times we also love to do Mythic + Dungeons and push higher keys, Pvp. Tmog runs, and old content. We are just a group of goons looking to have fun, kill bosses, and get purples. So if this sounds like something you might be interested in? Hit us up! I’d love to chat!!
Guild & Server: (Alliance-US-Stormrage)
Raid Times & Days: Sat & Sun from 7pm to 10pm Central Time.
Current Progression: 10/10N, 9/10H
Recruitment Contacts:
Tonilyn - GM: Discord: Tonilyn#8643 BNet: Tonilyn#1112
Ana - Officer: Discord: Anathema Crowley#2439 BNet: Anomaly#11388
Requirements: Interested in Raiding with us? Please see below for what we’re looking for.
We’re looking for someone who has the drive to research, someone who wants to continuously improve and sharpen their skills.
We are looking for someone who can commit to our raid times as well. 7pm CST- 10pm CST Sat/Sundays.
As we are progression Heroic we ask our raiders to be above 195 Item Level.
Rank 25 Renown (For at least three conduit slots) We are flexible with this, as people have changed covenants to min max.
-Can Vibe with the crew.
!!You are not required to server transfer, but if you would like to that would be cool too!!
Needs: LF Some Strong DPS for Progression Team.
All Roles Welcome for Mythic+, Leveling, and Pvp!
Too Stupid To Quit is an alliance raiding guild on Sargeras-US. We are a group of people that have been raiding together for anywhere between 3 and 5 years. We are a close group of friends looking for more like-minded people to join us to push this guild into the world of the cutting edge. We primarily want dps but are interested in any and all talented, determined, and experience raiders to join us!
Raid Days and Times: Tuesday and Sunday 8:00pm est - 11:00pm est
Needs: DPS and talented players.
Current progress: 6/10M (almost 7/10M) 10/10H
Please feel free to reach out to these individuals on Discord:
Thank you for your consideration!
Hey there, I run a guild on Illidan that leans a bit casual but raids mythic and is committed to pushing as far as it can go. We are extremely tight knit community. I would consider most of the guild friends and not just raiders. Hit me up if you want to chat.
Discord: YaBoiBangz#9359
Hello Joeexotic!
My guild is looking for reliable players and would love to give you a shot and see if we fit what you’re looking for in a guild. We are currently [10/10N, 10/10H, and 3/10M] and one of the top Horde Guilds on our server looking to secure that spot despite the competition!
Our team runs Tues & Thurs @ 8pm - 12am EST
Here is the application form: https://forms.gle/ZdTzLWBfsbBXXPf3A
We also have an RBG team and Guild Games/Events
General Requirements/Expectations:
Be respectful of others, while we have many high skill leveled players, we also have many who are still learning or not as experienced.
Communicate if you need any help or have any questions.
Come to raid prepared (gems, enchants, pots, flasks, food, knowledge, etc)
Consistent Attendance, letting us know via our discord attendance channel if you will be missing or late
I am happy to speak with you vocally over Discord. We like to speak with all potential recruits before they join, and would also love to run some keys with you and some of our guildies so you can get a good feel for our culture before making a commitment.
Hope to hear from you!
Chief, The Deadmen Guild Master
Discord: TheGantaGun#3912
BTag: TheGantaGun#1518
Just add me as a friend and message me!
Hey Joeexotic! If you are still waiting on the right fit, I’d love for you to consider Dedicated and Medicated Gaming. I see you are horde, but if you are willing to consider alliance, we are a new guild and we are building up our roster for raiding. However, all our core members have earned KSM and AoTC and plan to keep this going for 9.1. Although we are not quite ready to pull mythic, our core members have done mythic raiding last tier and we were 3/10. We do plan to push into mythic once the roster is full and the team is ready. Our raid times will be Sat/Sun 8-11pm EST.
There is no spec requirement as we just want people to have fun playing what they love best. You can play any role you like in keys and our raid roster has DPS and Healing spots open if that interests you. You also do not have to join our guild to play with us. If you want to feel us out as a community first, you are welcome to do this too.
If this sounds appealing, here’s our bnets and discord:
Meega #11302
< Maybe Next Tier > is a progression guild on Area-52, Horde. We strive to provide a friendly yet competitive environment and achieve forward progression in content, without compromising community and enjoyment of the game. Our raid spots are competitive.
Guild Management is experienced and professional.
Raid details below:
Progress: N: 10/10, H: 10/10, M: 3/10
Raid Schedule: Monday/Wednesday/Friday, 9:00PM-11:30PM (EST)
Loot Distribution: Loot Council
Recruitment needs:
DPS: ALL Ranged DPS, Unholy DK
All exceptional players will be considered!
If interested please hit us up!
Aside from raiding, we have a large gaming community in WoW, and we play other games together too.
Please add us on Battletag for more information.
Are you open to playing Alliance? If so, have a look at our guild, I think you’d fit in nicely!
I would like to talk to you about a spot with us!