LF Raid Team

I am looking for a raid team for a secondary toon of mine that I want to raid on as well. Looking for a team that raids at 8 or 9 EST and the days do not really matter. I have 5 toons at 80 right now and could level one and gear before Tuesday as well if needed. Just looking for an active place for a toon that has a good vibe to it. I do have previous mythic raiding xp and looking for that team that kills 5 or more mythic bosses.

For my toons feel free to hit me up:
Discord- _joeexotic
BNet- TheBugKilla#1641

Hello I am starting a one night a week raid focused on AoTC/Gearing. It is a sunday raid starting at 7PM MTN. Please feel free to reach out or check out my post!
([NA]Aotc Andys one day a week raiding guild Sun 7-10PM MTN - #3 by Bingusbonkus-illidan)

Add me on discord _joeexotic I have a few questions