I am looking for a causal/AOTC raid team. I am pst time. I cant raid any later than 12am pst. I can start at early as 6pm pst. Days I can raid Mon-Thur or Sat/Sun. I am a 371ilvl Boomkin. I am not looking for mythic content unless it is extremely casual. I am willing to move servers or factions if right fit.
Discord: greatsten#9096
BNET: Boomstenlaka#1785
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Hi there!
Here at Casual Damage we are an AOTC focused raid team with plenty of mythic keys during the week. We have achieved aotc each season last xpac, and look to do it again in dragonflight. Also had over 20 members getting ksm each season as well. We raid Wed and Sat from 6 to 9 PST on Hyjal. We don’t have any boomkins yet, just a bear tank and maybe a resto druid. Hope you can come join us! Please message Draggato#5421 on Disc, our guild leader, with any questions or invitations to join the team.
Hello! We are recruiting currently! Our contact information will be on our post right below! We look forward to hearing from you!
Hey there! If you are still looking for a DPS role, we’d love to talk more.
We are 2 nights a week raid team with short hours! 9:15 PM - 11:00 PM Eastern. Tuesday and Thursday. We have a solid roster of 15, but would like to expand to 20.
We always get AOTC and at a competitive pace - we are NOT a Mythic (CE) guild.
We are an all adult guild that has had the same leadership since 2008. We are Horde, on Zul’jin.
Everyone who wants at least KSM for M+ has it, some have higher.
Our app is at: https://discord.gg/bBXTezfwmg
“Fun is for casuals” Hyjal horde - we are still looking for more members for our AOTC raid team. We raid tues and thurs 5pm pacific. Let me know if your intreated. Cheers.
I am still looking at all my options