Prog: 9/9H (Still working on getting it on farm)

Time: 7pm-9:30pm server time

Thursdays and Sundays.

Looking for: DPS mainly.

Contact: Here or feel free to add/message me on Discord: Stepphy

Swamp Kitty is a new but very active AOTC focused guild. We pride ourselves on making raid nights fun again and not micro managing our raiders. We are a welcoming and relaxed bunch of people that enjoy getting together twice a week to smash some bosses. Outside of raid we have an active discord, run plenty of keys - Multiple KSM+ members - PvPerā€™s and poops n giggle transmog/fun runs.

We are looking to fill out our heroic raid team to continue farming 9/9 for loot as well as build up a mythic team to smash out AOTC AND CE in season 3.

If this sounds like your kind of vibe feel free to send me a message