Preferably both. I’m new around these parts on my 120 pally which I can’t post on as of right now because I just transferred. Looking for a home :).
What’s your RP backstory?
I’m just a lone mercenary looking to make some coin off slaughtering horde pigs. Nothing interesting as of yet.
Same thing as the other newcomer to our Emerald Dream: Here is a look at some of the goings on:
One way to find your way around Emerald Dream guilds is to check out this spreadsheet by Aeriara!
Link – bit. ly / edguilds (take out the spaces)
And then we have the Horde PSA forum post, which includes some cross-faction gatherings, too. Both the Horde and Alliance in-game community information is included:
Both Horde and Alliance have bar nights, and on the first Saturday of the month, the Alliance hosts a convention for people seeking to learn more about the various guilds.
For information on the Horde RP discord, you can btag me for an invite: MrthePanda#1597 (might even have some info on alliance)
And shameless plug for a small view of the ED shenanigans:
He was being sarcastic, it’s an old server joke lol. I suggest looking into The Ashen Vale, Coldridge Company or Kul Taris marines.
Good group of people from all three and they are very avid RPPVP guilds
Hiya! Coldridge Company could be a good fit for you. We would love to hear from you. You can check out our recruitment thread!