Hey there, Horde Shadow Priest main (pvp) seeking a guild that just wants to mainly stomp some alli’s. I am up for raiding, but mostly when BWL, and always up to run a dungeon! But mostly seeking to stomp some alli’s, can’t emphasis enough.
Going hard into Herb/alchemy, so will always have plenty of awesome pots to share. East coast as well, so there is that.
Not on the server for the streamers, just here to play with some friends on the side.
Hello Jakésteel,
Me and a few friends decided to start our own guild and would love to invite you to join us. We plan on hitting 60’s within the first week if time allows us. We are still deciding on Raiding times but It will probably be 2 times a week after 8-9 PM EST since we all have jobs. We are also planning on a lot of PVP later on .
If you are interested and would like to know more about us you can join our discord :
Or you can add me on discord : BlooDy#5078