LF PvP Guild

Hey all, long shot but here it goes.

Two long time players that are looking for a pvp guild. It doesn’t have to be an ONLY pvp guild as we do keys (18-21’s) and raiding (both AoTC) casually throughout the expansion but our hearts are in pvp so we’re hoping to find a guild that has a handful of people that are at least interested in some type of pvp we can do.

A little about us if you’re interested… we like to play casually 90% of the time but we do like to push content as well. We won’t be rude to anyone but instead offer to help so everyone can improve together. After all, it’s a game and we all plan to have fun. We’re currently in a pve only guild with one pvp enthusiast in there and we convinced him to do arenas and we all got up to 1800 within a week. That’s when we decided to level new mains on this server and search for a PvP oriented guild even though the current one was awesome for PvE.

Experience wise, I’ve peaked at 2668cr in 3s and been over 2400 in all other brackets except RBG at 1700. Other has been 1800 in both arena brackets but zero experience in RBGs.

Anyone know a guild or a community that is looking for more pvp enthusiasts or if you have any questions, we’d greatly appreciate a reply.
