I have been raiding off and on since release, Healed in Vanilla, and BC, Tanked in Wotlk, Cata, MOP, and WOD, got really burn out tanking due to bullies in guild, so took a break, then played DPS in Legion and BFA.
I’m leaving my current team because of work schedule not allowing me to play with them (they’re EST and start too early for me now).
I missed a lot of BfA raiding due to getting married, and a little dog that REALLY didn’t want me to play video games. I raided 8.3, got AOTC, and a few bosses into Mythic with my current team.
Looking for a guild with its main focus is at minimum AOTC Heroic raiding, and pushing into Mythic, with the purpose of completing a raid tier, not just AOTC and done, as well as doing M+ to stay competitive button pushers.
Still Choosing my SL class, Currently happy playing
Melee: DK (All Specs), Rogue
R-DPS: Warlock, S-Priest
Healer: Priest (I’ll need to learn it but I always learn the entire class not just a spec)
My best time is 7/7:30pm PST start, allowing me to get home from work and potentially having dinner with the Mrs.
I’m faction agnostic and not worried about the cost of sending my toons to another server.
Thanks for taking the time to read my journal, looking for a new home is nerve wracking.
Battletag Sheev#11850