LF Prog guild 9pm ST+ (2/3 Nights)

As title states, any progression guild (or at least aspiring) out there that raids from 9PM to midnight at latest server time and is currently recruiting?


Hi Jakubi,

My guild is currently recruiting ranged dps to join our team come check us out on our Forum Post and if you are interested you can pm myself or the officers.


Hey Jakubi!

We’re a social raiding guild, currently 9/9H, 1/9M and recruiting a few more dps to fill out our team for mythic. We run Wed/Mon 9-11:30pm ST and have multiple groups pushing keys throughout the week.

If you’d like more info feel free to jump into our discord server which has a tonne of guild/raid info so you can work out if we’d be a good fit for you!

Hit me up in Discord if you have any questions :slight_smile:
Best of luck finding a guild!

Hey Jakubi,

Are you looking for a more relaxed, late night raiding guild? If so, Mythica sounds like the guild for you! More on the guild below:

We’re currently 9/9N 9/9H BoD. We’re in the process of building up our raid team to go into M.

We raid Wed - 21:45 - 01:00 SvT and Thurs- 21:45 - 01:00 SvT.

If you’re interested, you can reach out to us on the contacts below:


Have a good one!