LF Pro warrior BG Blitz guide

Interested in trying the tank role out
I have a geared warrior, but there’s a lack of guides, anyone have the tech?
edit Prot Warrior not Pro warrior

just be ready to have to read a lot of comments about how tanks should not be able to queue for pvp because of bla bla bla bla stupid stuff they want to say, just play what you enjoy

I’ve played prot in pvp. It can be fun. Just really depends on the game mode.

Do a Google search for BG Blitz Ladder and find the top prot warriors for talents/gear/enchants/gems.

As for playstyle, you will probably need to FC with no MW on your team. If that is the case, you need to get both heals to stay with you if you are getting trained. You also need a DPS to peel the DK gripping you.

For Deephaul, spin the crystal and take it if you can.

For Komogu, grab orbs and line of sight and rotate defensives. I will often Dragon Charge their heals and focus their top caster DPS to disrupt.

For the other maps, the key is to either cap a node and rotate CDs to keep them from capping OR just spin a flag so they can’t cap it. They will likely send backup, which will give your teammates an advantage at other nodes.

tanks don’t make great fcs, they take far too much damage

Or just use Murlok.io it’s easier to read.

If you dont already know how prot works i would suggest starting there.

You need to actively maintain more stuff than other tanks to stay alive.
Shield block ect.

After that your job is generally to spin bases or FC.
If theres no druid or monk to fc its generally the tanks job.

If someone else insists on being the FC or in non flag maps, its your job to spin a base or otherwise just be as distracting as possible.
If the other team isnt smart they will spend half the game trying to 5v2 you and a healer while your team slams other objectives. The objective isnt to kill them, its to not die and stop them from taking map control
Otherwise be as distracting as possible. Hold aggro like its pve. Torture their healer, force peels ect

theres no guide you have to prot with feelings

Guides to gearing? Talents? Strats? All of the above? Kind of a big question.

I can find gearing and talents etc. more so concerned with starts because it isn’t a popular role or spec to play in BGs

Okay so strats.

  • EotS: Sit at the initial base and spin. If at any moment an unexpected cap happens, you immediately Dragon Charge + Heroic Leap, then mount to the base across the bridge. Your job is to either cap it, or make sure the other team doesn’t get it.

  • Capture the Flag: Defer to the Evoker if there is one. Escort them using everything in your arsenal to peel. If it’s safe, hold the flag once you get back to base. No Evoker, run the flag like the days of old.

  • Silvershard Mines: Take one other with you and secure off carts. Likely the other team will only send 2 as well, so the key is doing what you can to keep them out of the cart ring until you own it, if they cannot outright be killed.

  • AB/DG: Take one healer and maybe one dps to mid and spin it. Of course capture it if you can, but the purpose is to keep it out of enemy hands as long as possible while they hopefully over-commit, allowing the rest of your team to cap 3 bases. After that, sit bases as needed, or head to enemy bases as they become available to at least lock them out if you can’t outright cap it.

  • Gilneas: This is a tricky one. You can sit LH/Mines, but you really have to be on your toes here because the entire rest of your team will be at WW and help won’t arrive soon. If there are stealthers, use your targetting mods to know their locations are at all times. If they are stealthed, assume they are on their way to you; pick up the shadow sight buff. If there are more than one, prep your team to respond and use Ravager on the flag the second something smells funny. It’s not a guarantee flag spin, but if you get pinched by a double stealth CC chain, it just might save the base. Don’t fight on the flag if you don’t have to. Use Heroic Throw at every opportunity. Once a second base is secured, keep at least one other with you.

  • Kotmogu: Use Heroic Leap and Dragon Charge at every opportunity to get orbs if mounting isn’t an option. If you are rezzing, don’t bother joining any team fights. Stay mounted and scan for Orbs that are about to drop.

Thats about all I can think of off the top of my head. There are probably things that I missed that some of our other Prots can add in. Abom and Daddycool post here often enough.