LF Pacific Northwest US Guild

I’m from the Seattle area looking for a guild centered in the Pacific Northwest, don’t care which faction. Just looking for some folks I can one day share a beer with IRL and talk WoW.

Not interested in generic guild invites, I am looking for something that meets my wants. :slight_smile:

I’m currently raiding Shadow Lands heroic content but I find myself looking for a place more relaxed but also like-minded where people don’t have to worry about offending others with adult humor.

I’ve played every class to lvl cap and willing to fill almost any class requirement for your guild.

I use Discord and available for VC.

I main Horde but would like to try out Alliance but its community first for me.

Military veteran, short story writer, and artist. (I’m not currently doing commissions and I don’t do fan fics). :smiley:


Hey, my guild isn’t quite in the pacific northwest but we do have quite a bit of pacific players and a great community, if you are interested your are more then welcome to come talk to me :slight_smile:

We are Sundust Syndicate on US- Illidan and currently 7/10H

Raid Times!

(Optional Farm) Monday | 9:30 EST - 12:00 EST
(Progression) Tuesday | 9:30 EST - 12:00 EST
(Progression) Thursday | 9:30 EST - 12:00 EST

Questions? Please contact: GM: (Bnet) KiwiTiger#11312 | (Discord) KiwiTiger#3279

Many of our players are located in the PNW, but I don’t believe any are in the Seattle area, but many are in southern WA, or like myself in Boise, Idaho. We are Aliiance, so idk if you are willing to faction switch, but if you have questions I am more than happy to answer them.

Hello there! The forbidden rising (H) on Hyjal is currently looking for people for our Wed/Thrs team (4-10H), raid times are 6-9 pst. We are a casual aotc focused guild and strive to have fun and clear content. If you’re still looking for a place to call home please reach out to us and lets chat! Please add me or our teams RL on btag if you are interested.


Tell me about your guild and server :slight_smile:

Yeah for sure! Dragonblight / Fenris server time is PST, it is usually pretty chill, not too many elite guilds here. But our guild is smaller right now, a handful of us know each other in real life and have for many years. We raid on Thursday/Sunday from 8:15-11:15 PST, and there are many people who enjoy running Mythics as well. We just recently left another guild due to conflict of interest, and started our raiding process two weeks ago, and are currently 8/10 N, and starting up Heroic tonight. If you have any more specific questions I would be more than happy to answer them. :blush:

Why two servers? I personally like smaller guilds anyways. What is your battlenet id?

Oh, its just the connected realm to our server, most of us are on Dragonblight though. My Battle.net ID is Krekk#1402.

Hey, the core of our guild is based out of Seattle. See details below:

Discord Contact Info: Kil#2174

Raid Schedule: T/W/TH 8-11PM Pacific

Currently recruiting strong DPS:

Unholy Deathknight
Balance Druid
MM Hunter
Fire Mage
WW Monk
Ret Paladin
Enhance Shaman
Affliction Warlock

The Ångst Core Raid team is a semi-hardcore, 3-night, CE focused raid team. We are always looking for exceptional raiders to push progression in a highly competitive raid environment.

All Ångst raid teams have a chill vibe and are low aggro (No racism or serious flaming), however players are held accountable to Mythic level standards for preparedness, execution and performance.

What you can expect from us for Raiding:

  • A well-prepared Raid strategy and Raid leadership
  • Organization and respect of everyone’s time
  • End-game Raid Progression
  • Comedy, gambling and a good time

We also have a host of active PVP/Gladiators, an active Mythic + Push community and a large casual player base to support any style of play you might have.

Reach out with any inquiries, and we look forward to welcoming you to Ångst!