Class flexible
Faction flexible
9pst and later for raids/dungeons/BGs
About Us
Rotten is a NA-Horde midcore guild recruiting for the fresh classic era PvP server.
All are welcome, but this will be a raiding guild primarily. This guild is catered towards the late-night or PST player.
We will raid from 9pm to 12am PST time (12am to 3am EST), Wednesday and Thursday.
Recruiting all classes and specs. Also recruiting a raid lead and other officers.
Loot System
Loot will be decided once we have an established guild and can do some polls.
My discord is nasku, message me if this interests you. Thanks
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Hey there Brogaeren,
I am putting together a levelling/raiding guild on the fresh [PvP] server and you sound like you would fit in.
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