LF new Oceanic realm home. Transferring from Barthilas (Alliance)

I play Alliance on Bartlias and I am thinking of transferring to another Oceanic but can’t decide which. I like a bit of pvp now and then, but I’m mainly into pve, raids, mythic plus content. I main a BM hunter with three other alts.

Was trying to decide between the different OC realms, and can’t really decide or know how to go about this especially now we roll with war mode and connected realms.

In saying all that, I was leaning either towards Aman’thul, Nagrand or Saurfang.

Anyone got any suggestions they would like to share?

Hey friend,
Enjoy some guild spam

Caffeinated is currently recruiting new members for its core raid team for Mythic Battle. Some core Raider positions have become available and we are looking for some reliable and competent Players to join our ranks.
Currently 8/8H and 3/8M. We are a 2 Night-a-week Raiding guild. On off nights or even after raid we often do M+. We take people from all walks of WoW life but as of this post, the priority is Raiders.

Our Raiding Schedule:
Wednesday 8-11pm ST - AEDST
Thursday 8-11pm ST - AEDST

Classes we are recruiting:

  • Shaman
  • Warlock
  • Death Knight - DPS
  • Paladin - Retribution
  • RANGED DPS - 1-2

Role Priority
Ranged DPS - HIGH
Melee DPS - Low (Select Classes only)
Healers - 1 sham/druid
A few things we are looking for in our members;

  • No drama
  • Come to Raid Progression focused & prepared (pots, flasks, food, runes etc.)
  • Know the Fights
  • Be Punctual
  • Know your class & aim to improve yourself - Feel free to ask Questions, Our core team has a good knowledge base between them.
  • Able to take constructive criticism

We are a pretty chilled group who like to have fun and joke around but when it comes time to get into content we are focused on the job at hand.

For more information please contact any of the Officers in-game, leave a post here or add me on Discord @ Dâddy#1546 Or in game @ egad#1317

Ok thanks mate for your spam =D
Appreciate your time, but I am Alliance and we just wont be able to raid together.

Hey Darklightèr,

Precision [A] on Cael/Nagrand are lfm for m+, raids and casual pvp.

Link to our post if you’re interested :slight_smile:

Hey there!

We’re on Cael/Nagrand. We raid weekends 8.00 server. We also have members who liek to do their M+, islands, pve and casual pvp also. You can check us out here: {A} Cael/Nagrand The Brave Three Hundred lfm to join the family!


Hi there under the southern cross on saurfang guild is fairly social guild doing mythics/core raid team/old content or casual social. buzz me if you like invite or wish to chat more

hi there, darklighter, we aren’t on barthillas, (or oceanic), but we have a few aussies on the squad and an active discord. < mental alacrity > is a horde guild on the busy Area52 server. I think you’d be a good fit for us. should we not meet your needs, I wish you the best of luck in your search for a raiding team, but you are also welcome to mythic+ with us and join our discord.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
< Mental Alacrity >, horde, Area52.

★ We are semi-hardcore 2 day raiding guild.

★ We raid tuesday and Thursday 9PM EST to 12AM EST invites at 845pm, which works out to: (weds/friday) invites at 1240pm, raid is 1-3pm Sydney.

we are looking for players who:

★ are eager to use their talents to support their team and tackle content

★ mythic experience preferred, however not required

★ take raid time seriously; They know the ins and outs of their class and each boss encounter.

★ who treat others with dignity and respect

★ have a good sense of humor

if you possess the mental alacrity to stand up to the task, please reach out to any of the following for additional information or an interview:

★ lunanyte - luna#14515 - gm
★ illuminatus – illuminatus#1347 - gm
★ batteryninja#1624 - officer