LF new hype train

Hope blizzard drops some hints of the next class or something cool. Goblin raid doesn’t have me hyped nor houseing, imo. The next seasons sets look cool but the set bonuses, not so much. Just look at others thoughts.

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if you make set bonuses cool, everyone says the game is not playable without them.

There are some cool outfits recently. :robot::rightwards_hand::battery:

I’m not thrilled about the RNG tier set bonuses. Graphically a lot of things look interesting in S2 (like mog or mounts).

I think the raid will be fun, but who knows about M+?

Sold on the jet black trenchcoat!!


I’d be more excited if we didn’t once more arbitrarily shove the GOOD zone environments in the raid, we coulda got a fully explorable Gallagio zone rather than a raid that 8 people will do for like half a month then never touch again outside of solo legacy runs.

That being said, I will absolutely use whatever zone assets we get, I already have some plans for the PVP sets, as well as the marina rave pit in the resort portion of the Gallagio and the offices scattered throughout the Undermine.

Im looking forward to the tier sets (bonus). I like the casino RNG theme behind it

Style is the hype train

Im also totally not hyped by this casino/goblin theme zone+raid.

Hopefully next addon will be better+ brings a new class which is fun. Bard/Tinker e.g.

Undermine aesthetic doesn’t really work with any of my characters but I am looking forward to the zone and raid.

Undermine is long overdue, I’m just a little salty we’re getting just the Undermine, and not Kezan and the Undermine. Would’ve been cool to fly/drive from the isle of Kezan through the passage ways to the Undermine, like how we have the Coreway to the rest of Khan Algar.

They’re not going to be dropping a new class in 11.2.

Honestly, I wouldn’t expect any new classes until the expansion following the Last Titan. Hero talents are just going to expand to 81-100 with Midnight and TLT and then they’ll probably scrap it all for a new concept and introduce a new class with 14.0.

Hopefully we see a new class before TLT.
Otherwise it would be rly boring for me.

And pls finally the 4. role= Support <3