Lf new guild Area 52

I want something new. 12/12 aotc, 476 prot/holy pally with alts.
LF non toxic, calm guild to do mythic raiding and keys. 1600+ IO (currently)
want to stay on server. let me know for questions
Iamwasted #1974

Hello! I understand how it feels to be looking for a new home so I’ll make this short & sweet to help! My guild Virtually Impossible is an established guild(3 expansions now) which we have built to fit what we wanted out of a guild; we wanted a home. One that is adult, social, full of active members, with plenty of events/raids to do & plenty of guild mates to do them with. We pride ourselves on community & that aspect has given us great success.

Here’s the need to know:
Mythic+s from 0’s to 15+ & higher.
Consistent Mask & Full Clear Vision runs.
Casual/Hardcore raid environment focusing on Heroic/Mythic Progression.
Raid Days/Times:
Main Raid - Tues & Wed Midnight-3 EST
Sunday Funday Alt Raid - Sun Midnight-3 EST
Current progression: 12/12H, 4/12M

If this sounds like a potential match please reach out to me @ Aradne#11285 (Realid) or Aradne#5473 (Discord) :camera:

  • Self Imposed Hardmode - of Area 52 is currently recruiting to fill out our mythic raid team. We are currently 12/12 Heroic and 3/12 Mythic. Our raiders range from new to mythic to CE raider with everything in between. We believe that you don’t need to have previous mythic experience to be able to play in current mythic content, just the desire to work hard and have fun doing so.


Tuesday/Wednesday from 8:00pm – 11:00pm EST

Outside of raid:

We have an incredibly active mythic plus community outside of raid time with multiple 2500+ Io players as well as an active PvP community. We also enjoy old content raids, and generally just hanging out and having a good time with each other.


460+ ilvl for mythic, 430 ilvl for heroic

Rank 10+ cloak

Working headset and the ability to communicate



We currently have OPEN recruitment on all DPS classes with special interest in the following:

Ret Paladin
Demon Hunter (tanking OS a plus)
Death Knight (tanking OS a plus)

We currently have one tank position available to a skilled tank (DK/DH/Brew preferred)

Holy Paladin

If interested please contact:

Bnet - Shado#11187 (GM)
Discord - Shado#0820


Big Money Crab - Is a new guild building up our team for SL, as we do current content as well. Most our members are AOTC, along with some mythic experience. We also do M+ usually do 10-15 level keys weekly for guild members. If you would consider growing with our team you can reach me at Btag Alchemy#1707

Have a look bud. We’re on area 52 too.

[Rocket Science] is a 4/12M Semi-hardcore raiding guild. In need of dedicated raiders for current and future content. Wednesday / Thursday raid days at 9PM EST. Whisper me if interested. Come earn it. Dont buy it.

[Rocket Science] is a 4/12M Semi-hardcore raiding guild. In need of dedicated raiders for current and future content. Wednesday / Thursday raid days at 9PM EST. Whisper me if interested. Come earn it. Dont buy it.