LF Mythic raiding guild Geared Brewmaster monk / 2k IO 4/8M (in EP) 12/12 H atm

I’m a tank in a guild that I am happy in however they currently have 2 pretty good main tanks. I tanked for 90% of last tier minus a few of our kills. I am a 470 brewmaster. I’ve pugged a lot of my own kills this tier nzoth / ilg and a few others i’ve done with my current guild.
I am looking for a solid Mythic group. I have an 1800 IO at the moment and am pushing higher keys with a group.
I have no issues with my current guild its just i want to be able to tank raids more and am not getting that chance in the current state of our prog. I main ret for them so their would be no hard feelings.
PST ME or add me in game and we can chat.

Hey Nanu,

Add me on bnet so we can chat; Pezek#1832

About Us:
We came to Sargeras during last tier from Horde-Illidan after classic rocked our roster pretty hard. We have been together since Antorus and are lookin to fill a few more roster spots. Our goals are to push CE in Ny’alotha and every tier/xpac after! We like to joke around during raid for the most part, but when it comes to prog and workin on bosses we know how to get a bit more serious.

Tuesday: 9pm-12am PST
Wednesday: 9pm-12am PST
Thursday: 9pm-12am PST

What We’re Seeking:
We are looking for raiders that show up on time and ready more than anything else; additionally, we want raiders that carry a good attitude during progression and learn from their mistakes. Activity outside of raid nights is also something we like to see.

Current Progression:

Our Goals:
Our goals for this tier is to achieve Cutting Edge, the goals after this tier would be constant improvement with the hopes of achieving Hall of Fame for alliance side in the future.

Current Class Needs:
-Any role/class with exceptional logs!

Points of Contact:
-Glowcat#1759 (Recruitment Officer)
-Token#1129 (Recruitment Officer)
-Chugs#11757 (GM)

Hello, we are recruiting:

How Long On Brez | Horde | Mal’Ganis

We raid Friday and Saturday, 11:00pm-1:30am PST

kvncnh#1922 (Officer) [ Discord preferred: kvncnh#9847 ]

Guild Name: Infamous
Realm: Proudmoore
Faction: Alliance

Raid Times: Tues/Wed/Thurs (10 PM - 1 AM EST)

Progress: 12/12 H
Ready to push into mythic, just need to fill the last couple of spots. Comfortably full clearing heroic in a raid night.
h ttps://raider.io/guilds/us/proudmoore/Infamous

About Us: Infamous is a mythic raiding guild with goals of achieving CE not only this tier, but every tier to follow. Raiding only 3 days a week, we strive to make the most out of our raid times so that when we zone into an instance, we’re ready to kill bosses and get one step closer to reaching our goal. Outside of raid, we’re pushing M+ keys, doing weekend guild RBGs, becoming assassins in Uldum/Vale, judging each other’s transmogs, and complaining about the RNG of getting good corruption on our gear.


Tanks: Closed (Considering good applicants)
Healers: 1 Core Spot Open (HPal preferred)
DPS: 4 Core Spots Open (High priority for a boomy and any other RDPS)

Any exceptional player will always be considered, regardless of class/spec. Our roster is competitive, meaning consistent underperformers will be replaced until further notice/improvement.


  • Be an active player. We aren’t interested in people that log on for raid and logout immediately after. On top of maintaining a 90% raid attendance, we expect you to be active within the guild and crushing content together outside of raid.
  • Be knowledgable about your class. This means keeping up to date on your BiS list, ideal talent/stat set ups for specific fights, and constantly trying to improve as a player.
  • Be ready for raid. We expect raiders to have done necessary research for boss fights, zone into raid prepared with consumables, tomes, and a good attitude.

If you’re interested in joining, please contact Mindset#0203 on Discord for more information!

Feel free to add me, we currently would love for you to main/off tank. Maze#11225

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hey I’d like to chat with all of you guys towards a spot. Please note i am not interested in heroic / aotc only guilds. I’d like to join a guild that is semi hardcore and at least raids 3 days a week with focus on mythic prog. Hiimnanu#1506 add me and lets chat.

Guild & Server/Faction: Efficient Stormrage-US :Alliance:
Raid Times/Days: Fridays & Saturdays 8pm-11pm EST
Cleared: 6/12M NYA (US 515) - 8/8M EP (US 314) - 8/9M BOD (US 829)
Recruitment Contacts: Battletag: Karma#12379 or Discord: Kàrmâ#5681
Wowprogress: https://www.wowprogress.com/team/us/stormrage/raid-Weekend
Website: http://www.efficientguild.com
Requirements: Previous Mythic experience, Cutting Edge mindset & current Warcraft logs
Needs: Currently looking for Brewmaster, Disc Priest & exceptional DPS