LF mythic raiding guild for TWW

Have previous Mythic raiding exp can link achievements upon request. Can Tank, Heal, and dps depending on the needs of the guild. Available Sun-Thurs anytime.

Hey demon,
My guild is recruiting a few more players for war within, would love to chat. I’ll leave my contact info and spam below and hope to hear from you soon.

Disc - doctersauce
Bnet - Doctersauce#1397

We’d love to talk about you joining. Reach out if you have any questions.

Hi Demonbast! Im going to leave my guild information here, if it’s something you think would work out for you, I would love to get in touch!

Raid nights- Weds/Thurs/Monday * 8PM - 11PM EST
< I I I > Is currently recruiting for TWW. Our goal for Empire is to build a community of players who are looking for something different. We want to go back to how guilds used to be. We want to make friends, kill bosses, and have fun doing it. We are ready to have fun guild-wide events on nights we aren’t raiding, doing M+ or PVP again. However, this is not a casual raiding guild. Our raid environment is one where we respect each other. We work together as team to be better and you will be expected to do the best that you can. Our goals for TWW are to get AoTC and into Mythic with Cutting Edge in mind. This means that we expect to advance to AoTC fairly quickly, and move on to Mythic difficulty. We will hit mythic hard and get as far as we can.

Our leadership is currently 6/8M Vault, 7/9M Abberus, 6/9M Amir in current seasons and in awakened season. Raid nights are Weds/Thurs/Monday * 8PM - 11PM EST. Monday will be mandatory and used during progression (the first month or two). Afterwards it will be an optional heroic/alt clear.

Healer - We need two healers, a Holy Paladin, Priest, Monk, or Evoker
DPS - Any dps considered, though we are full on DK
Specific class needs- Aug Evoker, Havoc DH, Warlock

Recruitment Contacts-
Discord- bubbli. , haytred
Btag- Tellu#11210, Haytred#1922

Hey there, we are in the need of tank and ranged dps atm. Heroic/Mythic guild add me here to chat: finn9965 (discord)

Hey Demonbast, I am not sure what times you are available but we are a mythic progression focused raid group. Our raid times are Thurs/Mon 7-10pm PST. More info about us in link below. We’re mostly a raid guild as a lot our members have families and obligations so wanted to be transparent that we aren’t super social guild outside of raiding. But let me know if interested at all. Thanks for the consideration!

The Last Pull, an Alliance guild on Proudmoore server, is looking for just a couple players to fill out the raid team. We raid on Tuesday and Wednesday from 5:45 to 8:45 PST with an optional alt raid night for alts typically scheduled on Saturdays. Historically we have killed over half the raid bosses on mythic difficulty every season (typically 6-7/9ish) but our goal going forward is CE. To that end, we are looking for:

High priority
Havoc Demon Hunter
Holy priest
Resto Shaman

Medium priority
Arcane Mage
Elemental Shaman

Low priority
Any Exceptional class or spec other than tank.

If you are interested in anything I have written here and want to talk about it, you can Btag me in game @ Bigwhoop#1156.