LF Low-Threat Adventure RP Guild

Hey there, everyone.

I’m looking for an RP guild that’s more low threat than the usual ‘Horde’ or ‘high-stakes threat’. I can give a few examples for what I mean: Let’s say… Destroying a coven of witches in Drustvar. Or maybe escorting a caravan through the territory of a surviving remnant of the Twilight’s Hammer. Something that would be dangerous for the average layman, but is just a Tuesday for the heroes of Azeroth and doesn’t impact the main story so much.

I realize it might be a little niche in terms of subject matter, but I figured that I might as well cast my line and see what bites.


I sent you in game mail as to reach out to you!

Are pirates low threat? I don’t even know anymore. But they don’t require ‘Champion, we need your aid’ type response.

I’d consider pirates to be low threat in the grand scheme of things! It isn’t, like, Faceless Ones, Nightmare Beasts, or high-ranking Elementals. Things like that where the regular person doesn’t have a good chance of surviving.

peeks in

We just recently came back from Drustvar and killed some Wicker beasts!! If a navy guild is something you would be interested in! You can find our recruitment information in our forum post!.

This is of interest to me. Bump!

My bad for the late reply but pirate RP sounds really fun, I’d love to know more about your guild!

Below is our recruitment thread that does have a fair bit of information in it. However, talking to us in-game is the best way to learn more about . Really, any employee will do and can direct you to an officer.

We are not a large guild, by design. Keep roughly forty accounts as I have always held the belief of a 10:1 ratio on officers to accounts (note not characters, accounts) to keep things tight nit without the clique, and be able to resolve things quickly. Officers are reviewed every four months to ensure they are not burnt out and active so I don’t have a lot of fluff taking up space at the top.

All that to say, we still have about 10-15 people on a night, which is pretty good for our size, so you should be able to find someone that can tell you more.