LF long term RP partner good with kids

Looking for a longterm RP partner for my main here, some information:
Three Draenei children so prefer someone good with motherhood and kids (preferably a Draenei, may accept Worgen or Pandaren, but preferably someone long lived/immortal), a tavern proprietor (open Sunday evenings), GM, and OOC work a shifting schedule.

If interested feel free to reach out in this thread. Alternatively I can be found in the Lion’s Rest central fountain area, or early mornings the Mage Quarter for IC walkups/DMs.

My Worgen hunter (human) raised his Draenei daughter. Any gender requirements? Otherwise, he might be a good fit. He’s very parental and an all around decent bloke (we don’t talk about his culty tendencies.)

Prefer female, but would absolutely give a Worgen a shot.

Do you have a Discord? I usually schedule RP.

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hernethehornedhunter Is my Discord user name.