Heya, everyone. I recently started on a belf rogue (Outlaw) to get my Horde needs met, as I’ve mainly played Alliance for my mom who mains Alliance, even though I greatly prefer Horde.
I’m aiming to do some high keys and raiding (pref at least heroic) on this toon, and once settled on the realm, will make some alts as well (I.E. I enjoy healing and tanking, so will make some of those).
I’m looking for a preferably late night/early morning team. I raid lead a casual team on Alliance on Mon/Tues 8:30pm-10:30pm CST, and work Thurs-Sun at a restaurant, and am normally home by 10pm CST those nights.
To make it simpler, my availability is:
Sun: After 9:30pm
Mon: After 10:00PM
Tues: Available
Wed-Thurs: After 10PM
Fri-Sat: After 10:30PM*
*(If we’re very busy at the restaurant, I may be delayed to 11pm, though this is rare.)
What I can offer: I’m constantly aiming to improve myself, and I put in the work for it. I’m laid back, know how to take constructive criticism, know how to take a joke, and know how to portion my time right, so that I’m active where and how I need to be. I won’t miss raids very often, if at all. You can expect at least a 95% attendance rate.
My discord is Kivestrien#4964 and my btag is Rain#1470. Please feel free to reach out on either of those or here if you want to chat.
Hi there Freyjaa!
Glad you are not neglecting your Horde needs, and it is admirable that you play
Alliance for your mom. I’m assuming you need the guild for the Hord BElf?
I can tell you that Revered with Death’s raid times work out for you, we raid Fri/Sat 11pm server (EST).
We’ve had some setbacks due to fighting the attendance boss, but we are pressing our way through H Dazzle (BoD). We just keep plugging along in our attempts to become Exalted with Death
Every expansion we push into Heroic raiding, we may not always get AOTC…but for us it’s more about having fun and learning the fights rather than muscling everything to the ground in order to get a title.
We like to run keys for sure, and have quite a few that push 10+, although I will be honest, sometimes it’s difficult to find the bodies.
Here is our guild spam if you would like to check it out [H]Revered with Death - What's your End Game?
At the end of the day we’re just a bunch of nerds that love playing this game.
I know how that feels. I raid lead a team that’s very similar to that over here - we’re casual, not pushing for AOTC though it’s nice if we get it, and the attendance boss is real. We’re community-driven guild, and only “trial” to make sure we’re a good fit before we have anyone realm-change over (why waste the money if we aren’t?). We don’t bench, instead trying to help our members improve on themselves even if it takes awhile.
From that link, it’s sounding like you guys are pretty much the Horde equivalent of Prophecy!