LF late night guild

I am a Boomkin(have 2 set) looking for a heroic aotc guild. I am looking a for a chill/casual raid team. I am 260 ilvl. 7/11 N 3/11H in new raid. I would prefer to raid Mon/Wed/Friday. I can do weekends just have to flexible with me. I need late night after 6:30-8pm PST! I will prefer a single raid day would be good. I am looking for just AOTC not mythic raiding. I am willing to stay ally or go horde. Faction doesn’t mean much to me. I raid on another team heads up reason for limited days.

BNet: Boomstenlaka#1785

Hiya! Boop is always recruiting, and is super casual! You never have to totally commit to raid days and are free to come and go as you please, as long as it suits your real life best as thats always priority! Nights are Friday, Sunday at 6:30pm server time
Here’s a link to Boop’s most recent forum post for more info or feel free to dm the GM at Mew#7708

Still looking