LF Horde RP Guild

Hi All!

I recently came back to WoW after a hiatus and am shopping around for an active, Horde RP guild. Preferably something military, political, or magic focused.

I’ve been rping on MG and WrA since the servers launched. I’m very familiar with the lore and have run a few RP guilds in the past. My primary character is a mage (blood elf, fallen noble) and I have a couple alts I may be interested in RPing on as well.

I’m a working adult so my schedule gets a bit hectic sometimes, but I’d love to find a friendly, chill community to hang with.

Anyone got any leads?

The Sunreavers are a great sin’dorei guild to look into.

There’s also a guild faire on the 30th, where a good amount of guilds should show up and you can do a bit of shopping around!

WRA-H has no shortage of great guilds so be sure to take a look at the pinned thread for WrA Info and Directories. Some of the guild info may be a bit outdated but it’s a good start.

Good luck and welcome back!

Hope to see you around!


OOOh! This is all great info. Thanks for the fast response!

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