To start, I am not even sure this is the correct category because all of these threads are guilds LFM not 1 person looking for a guild.
But I apologize in advance if this is the wrong spot.
I recently moved to Hawaii and I am currently on an East Coast Server, that unfortunately does not bide well with the current raid times of those servers. It is a 6hr difference so the typical raid starting at 730server is 130pm my time, which is a no go.
So I am looking for, a Hawaii based guild would be sickkkkk, but a West Coast server would also work for me. I have server transfer up and could hop over to any guild.
I am pretty flexible with raid days I can make any day of the week as long as its after 3pm ideally my time. 6pm West Coast.
My character is a decked out Holy/Disc Priest. BiS minus 02 items, Legs and Wand, but its all good. Here is the warcraftlogs of him. I got a decent shadow gear but I would prefer healing. I am a very competent healer always fully consumed yada yada, I run heroics for peeps can never have to many badges. I also have a really decked out Paladin with gear for all specs, but server xfer is down but will transfer him at a later date.
I cannot post links but you can look up my Priest on warcraftlogs - Izdaen - Benediction US - its the only name on the list.
If anyone has a guild looking for an immediate raid spot let me know and we can talk more. And once again sorry if this is the wrong channel if I could be told where a better spot would be I will swap it over. Thanks
Hey, METEOR on Kromcrush (east coast server) is recruiting a priest. Raid times are 10pm-1am Eastern time. If you are still looking for a guild, reach out to me on discord, id love to hear from ya. Chronicslav#3642
Hey! Look no farther! We are (Bubble Tea), Horde, on Mankrik. We are a full P1 clear guild with lots of Mythic Retail raiders and Officers with lots of Experience with Vanilla and TBC raiding when they first made their debuts. We are currently 5/10 T5. We have an immediate Core Raid Spot for a Holy/Disc Priest. We raid Tuesday and Thursday from 9PM to 12 PM EST. Our loot system is CEPGP. I’d love to chat more if you’re interested. I linked our guild recruitment page below if you’d like some more information, along with my Bnet and Discord contact. Have a great day and GL!