LF guild with active community

Hey guys, I’m looking for some guilds on horde mainly but perhaps alliance too on whitemane. The biggest thing I value is an active community, and people in disc. I just wanna make friends.

My horde side has a geared fury war (Raegan-Bigglesworth) and a feral dps (Kittyfufu-Bigglesworth) who always surprises everyone how much damage I do. My alliance side has a pretty geared feral dps (Kittyfufu-Whitemane), more interested in pvp on that one.

Let me know if anyone can help me. Thanks.


If you’re open to something different and smaller (and transferring servers) come check us out on Grobbulus Era!

We have a horde guild working on BWL progression and an alliance guild working on putting KT on farm (we’ve killed him 3 times but wouldn’t say he’s on farm).

Both guilds are highly self sufficient, community focused, active in disc/guild/etc. our players across the two guilds have a huge sense of realm pride too and have a bitter rivalry against eachother.

We’d love to have you or anyone else reading!

Grob era accepts transfers?

I noticed DD does not, is why I ask.

Grobb Era is open to paid transfers to the server, and has Free Character Move’s open off the server. No transfer restrictions like DD has since we aren’t part of the “fresh” hype etc.

We welcome all! New toons, old tools, transfers, you name it. As long as you’re a kind player who’s community oriented (or even a bit of a hermit but enjoys being in a small community anyways) we’d love to have you!

Is horde side active on Grobb?

With the understanding that Grobb has two guilds (one on each side, which is how we like it!) yes, they are active on horde and working on BWL progression currently!

But if you’re looking for hundreds of players and multiple guilds, Grobb isn’t the place.

We enjoy our little micro server vibes though. Many of us have been playing on Grobb since Day 1 2019, and our guilds have existed for 3 years now.

Here for the long run!

What kind of Guild (age of people for example) and what kind of Raid environment are you happiest in most?

Hey lovepony, I was actually in Not Prepared for a while haha like a year ago. I’m looking for an active guild mainly, as far as raiding goes i’m pretty open. Just putting my feelers out there, I’m in Ethereal now and it’s hard to make friends. Although they’re pretty cool.

Yeah we’re an older crowd guild so we’re either working or raiding for the most part, or chatting on disc in text channels. Last night we had some members doing an UBRS run after our Naxx quick clear (that don’t normally do so) and I was just listening in as they chatted and had fun and I realized… we really don’t do that so much anymore.

Our big social night, for the most part, is Tuesday nights when we do MC/BWL farm and it’s more casual. Outside of that guildies jump in various raids or host them themselves.

I was actually going to recommend Ethereal, because they are a newer guild and doing legit progression thru the content and learning things as they go. Bumps and all. They’re good peeps.

Most the guilds on Whitemane are ‘active’, but I think what you’re looking for is ‘socially active’. Like people hanging out on disc voice and chatting? That sorta thing? If so, where you’re currently at is probably your best bet on Whitemane Horde side. I see them chatting in voice regularly.