Hey guys !
I am a new/returning player on Daggerspine US.
Having a really fun time playing this time and I want to find a guild that I can raid/mythic with after max, and just talk to. Currently playing a BM Hunter thanks !
Damage CTRL is a newly formed Heroic progression guild (Zul’jin Horde). We are currently recruiting to fill our core raid group. Once the core group is formed we will begin raiding.
Raid Times:
Friday: 8-10pm EST
Saturday: 8-10pm EST
We are looking for people who want to raid at a heroic level on the weekends. People who understand that everything people say can’t be taken seriously. We joke around and pick on each other quite often so be prepared to enjoy some bants.
Current Recruitment:
We are currently recruiting all roles. Will update as spots are filled.
Tanks: Backups
Healers: Open
DPS: Open
TrashPanda#11907 (bnet) Fel#2244 (discord)
Serovino#1176 (bnet) Serovino#5360 (discord)
If your alright with moving over to horde i think you would be a great fit with us! below is our basic info!
Hello everyone, we are the guild Sentry on Area-52, a Horde sided guild looking for all DPS as well as Healers to help finish preparations for Dragonflight. We are a LGBT+ friendly guild that believe in being on the smaller end of size, building a group of close-knit friends who can be open and social with each other!
Many of us are returning players from previous expansions or even just early Shadowlands, experience in raiding isn’t a requirement to join, nor is raiding in general a requirement. If you want to be apart of the raid team, we’re looking for people who can be on time every week and willing to listen and learn. We’re going for AOTC, hoping to be able to raid the week the raids launch in Dragonflight. If you’re looking for a chill group, one that doesn’t feel cliquey where you can enjoy hanging with others, come on over and gives us a try!
Our raid times are 8-10:30PM EST, Wed/Thurs, if you’re applying for raid please make sure you can make these times! For contact, please use Discord, my handle being LoreNihilus#6933
Hello Headzhot!
I thought maybe you might be a good fit for us so I wanted to drop by and tell you a bit about our little family! We are a progressively-minded AOTC Alliance guild on Stormrage, that’s currently looking for more players to add to our roster for DragonFlight. We raid on Fri-Sat nights from 9:30-12:30 EST. I’m including the link to our guild information for you to check out if you find an interest to do, as we do have other things going on throughout the week and plan to be adding to that soon! If you are interested in learning more about us or have any questions please be sure to contact me! The best way to reach me is on Discord at Byndi#5161. I hope to hear back from you soon and that you have a great night!
[H][US][BlackwaterRaiders] LF Raiders
Progression: 7/10M CN, 4/10M SoD, 4/10M SotFO
Raid times: Tues and Thursday 8 pm-11:00 PM EST with a 30min flex period after 11:00 pm for continuing boss attempts or optional BoE farming. We also have a JV Raid Team that runs on Wednesday and Monday nights at the same times for alts and people who don’t make the progression team.
Hello, I am the Guild Lead for The Deadmen. We are a Horde guild on BlackwaterRaiders (in the US).
Our guild is the largest and most active on our server, and currently best progression-wise looking to keep that title and get some more realm firsts! We also have some seriously talented PvPers and Mythic+ runners. We have people cranking out keys all week and pushing keys from the mid-teens to the mid-20s.
We are seeking friendly, capable players interested in completing mythic content and who like to spend time with their guildies. Our goal is to remain the top guild on our server for progression AND community. We also strive to maintain a competitive and fun environment.
We prioritize creating a space where you can be yourself and enjoy the time you spend with the members of this guild. We almost always have people in one of our discord voice chats hanging out even if they’re not playing together.
We are drama free and a LGBT+ friendly and welcome to members of all identities, personalities, backgrounds, military service, and political affiliations.
Please message me if you are interested:
Discord: TheGantaGun#3912
Battle Tag: TheGantaGun#1518
Hello hello! I am a guild counselor with [H] Thunderlord. We are a friendly, welcoming bunch that’s 35+, but most members are older than that. We are looking for all specs and classes, and alts can find a home with us as well. We focus on having fun with the game that we all enjoy, in a non-toxic and supportive environment. We are looking forward to Dragonflight, enjoying some casual chat on discord, and building toward mythic+ and raiding. We are going to enjoy leveling together, gearing up, and blowing away some endgame contact. We have members that have been playing for years and years, and members who are new to the game! We encourage you to play the way that you want to play, and we are here to support you. I would love to chat with you about it- you can reply here or you can find me on Discord at meeeow#5711. Or find us in guild finder - just make sure you note your age and a little something that lets us know you’ve seen this and know what a we are about