LF guild this weeks heroic lockout 606 warrior

got double 619 weapons 8/8n exp (#1 dps on queen fight in my last run) 2/8h experience, I am looking for a guild (not LFG anymore) to progress, I can progress with LFG but guilds are better cause of loot distribution if the same team rolls in chances are better to get loot faster, I know the content is new for heroic and everybody is a loot goblin this week not inviting this player or that player but if you want a warrior for aoe fights (which the raid has plenty of) you definately want to recruit me cause I am going to be pushing 7 and 8 keys in LFG in a few weeks and I will get heroic vault from delves and keys regardless. I can raid any night, just looking to get that heroic aotc grind going cause that is my end goal this season.

My btag is Boro#1321 and I do not want a melee heavy guild like 8 paladins and 0 ranged. I want to join a team that has a brain too (well sort of) and knows about raid comps and doesn’t just invite “anybody” that does damage below tank or around tank dps just cause they are in the guild. I want a guild that cares about its members but does not allow really awful dps to hinder raid progression, like the guild leads know about raid progression but at the same time caring for the raiders. If you think I am a good fit add me on bnet and I am not saved to heroic yet and I am going to LFG if I do not get in a guild today or tomorrow which sucks cause I do want to get in a guild group and get at least 2 or 4 heroic bosses down this week.